This is a campaign format that places the players in charge of a large section of each race's empire. Each player is an admiral running a war from a single front.
This is version 1.3 of this document
This is a strategic wrapper around the tactical game of Star Fleet Battles (SFB). The purpose of this system is to generate battles which are resolved by SFB. A more detailed strategic game is called Federation & Empire (F&E). This campaign format is designed to be less involved, to start nearly every race immediately (barring various units' Year-In-Service details) and start each race on fairly equal economic and strategic footing.
Each turn represents 2 months. Thus each year is 6 turns.
It is assumed that this campaign starts in Y168, unless otherwise noted.
Each players territory is a 5x5 triangle placed on a hexmap. Their homeworld is in the one corner farthest from others.
Bases are placed tightly, with one hex of distance between themselves and another base. The inner-most bases are starbases. All others are battle stations.
Each Player's territory is placed equidistant from other player's territories with the homeworlds farthest from the center.
An example is to the right.
Homeworld defenses include 1x Starbase (with shipyard), 6x GBDP, 6x ground based heavy weapons, 3x FGB-M with 18x fighters, 1 BMB with 6x newest available bombers, 5x DefSats, and 1 Monitor with any module except space control.
Each Starbase begins with 2x PAMs, 4x HBMs, and 24x Fighters. These fighters are of a standard single-space type appropriate for the year and race.
Each Battle Station begins with 1x PAM, 2x HBM, and 12x Fighters. These fighters are of a standard single-space type appropriate for the year and race.
If the year is too early for a race to have fighters or bombers, then replace as appropriate; the HBMs with cargo modules, FGB-Ms with GBDPs, and BMBs with GBWSs. If PFs are available, then replace as appropriate; the PAMs with PFMs and one of the FGB-Ms with a GPC. Put a standard flotilla of the most common type at each of these replacements.
Tholians start with a "3-tier wedding cake" around each base.
Each player's shipyard initially has 3 spaces of size class 2 dock, 6 spaces of size class 3 dock, and 3 spaces of size class 4 dock.
The starbase closest to the homeworld begins the game with a size-class 4 shipyard dock.
Shipyards and ships under construction are destroyed when the corresponding starbase is destroyed, and are otherwise unaffected by combat.
Starting shipyard construction is a 1/2 done DN hull and 2x 1/2 done Size Class 3 hulls. If this would have a player producing a DN before the Year-In-Service date for their race's DN, then push back the completion to match the Year-In-Service date (leaving the slipway empty, if need be).
Starting Inventory is 100 T-Bombs & fakes, 15 extra BP, 5 Commandos, 5 HW squads, 24 of the most common fighters, 36 Admin shuttles, 4 GAS, 4 MRS, 2 HTS. In addition, each race begins with these pods: 2x MB pods (one whole MB), cargo pods for two tugs, and the battle pods or carrier pods (oldest type of either, player's choice) for one tug. Drone-using races begin with 100 type IS drones, 40 type VIS and 40 type IVS drones, except that Kzinti have twice these numbers and Lyrans have half. If advanced shuttles are available, then replace all shuttles with their advanced version.
Klingons and Lyrans start with 20 spare UIMs.
These items list what is in your national inventory. This list does not include those items the ships start with. Ships start with a full load of year-appropriate fighters, drones, spares, and anything that is "part of the SSD". Ships may have racial quotas of Limited and Restricted drones, but may not be loaded out for a special mission (such as long range drone bombardment). Ships do not start with T-bombs, extra deck crews, etc.
Prior to start, the player may exchange items on ships with items in inventory and add manufactured items (Commander's options) to his units.
Replacement drones, fighters, and shuttles are drawn from inventory when the unit is resupplied. In the interim, drone racks, fighter ready racks, drone reload storage, and spare shuttles and fighters must be tracked as they are lost. Carrier cargo storage becomes important on long missions.
The ships that each race begin with vary, depending on what is available for the race in question. The following is a guideline:
CLs refer to either Light Cruisers, such as the Klingon D6 or Romulan WE, or the most common cruiser hull for that race, such as the Hydran RN. CAs refer to a heavier or less-common version of CA, such as the Klingon D7, Hydran DG, or Romulan SPA.
If there is a less-common general hull for the DD-hulls (such as Hydran KNs or Romulan SKAs), the DD leaders are of this type.
The CA-variant is a mauler, a drone variant, a "fast" cruiser, or some similar available variant (no carriers), at the player's option. The player may choose a standard CA.
If a race has two versions of Tugs (such as the Kzinti TGT and TGC), then the 2xTugs are actually one of each. If an LTT is available, then one tug is an LTT.
The FRD does not start with any Base Augmentation Modules attached.
If the Year-In-Service date of a certain ship does not allow it to be used in setup, then downgrade it to a general hull or one ship-class lower.
Example: The Tholians do not recieve a CL/CA-based carrier until Y173. Convert instead this to a regular CA if starting before then.
Example: Assuming the start-year is Y168, the ISC do not begin with a DN hull. They would start with 2xCC instead of 1xDN and 1xCC.
These ships start with the most recent refits.
These ships start with full drone racks and full storage. All starting drones on ships are Speed-M.
The moderator should consider adding/deleting a frigate, or moving a ship up (DD to CL) if the BPV balance is too far out for the races and starting year of the particular game.
4 fleets must be assembled from the above ships. The combat BPV of the least-expensive fleet can be no less than 90% of the most-expensive fleet. Include the combat BPV of fighters in the BPV of the ships that carry them. Exclude the costs of drone upgrades. Exclude the FRD and civilian ships from this initial setup restriction, but include the Tugs and any pods they are carrying. These fleets are placed at the three outermost BATS and the outermost SB (1 fleet each).
The FRD and civilian ships may start at either starbase.
The Seltorians and (particularly) the Andromedans require a few extra details.
If the race is unable to field a Starbase in the campaign start year, then they may not start when everyone else.
If a race has fewer bases than the standard galactic player, then their starting fleets are split into equal amounts (as above, in starting fleets) and distributed evenly across the bases they have in the forward positions.
If the Andromedan BATS are unavailable (because of year) then downgrade their starting bases until a base is available: BATS -> BS -> SAT -> None.
The Andromedans only start with one starbase, which is in their homeworld position. An Andromedan BATS may not be upgraded into a SB.
If the Andromedans do not have bases in the starting BATS areas, place their starting ships in the homeworld hex.
Andromedans starting fleets are composed of a number of motherships equal to the number of cruisers and larger in the "Starting Fleets" section. The number of Satillite ships and their variants are equal to what those motherships can carry. This is likely to leave the Andromedans with a unit count that looks small when compared to the others, but a BPV count that is nearly equivilent. They do not start with an FRD, civilian ships, or auxilliaries.
The Andromedans treat SAT bases as MBs. They upgrade like galactic MBs, for the same costs.
The Andromedans treat MWPs as fighters in all ways for these rules, except that a squadron is six MWPs. Andromedans replace HBMs with PHBs within these rules. "Special" units (EMs, PSSs, non-MWP SSUs, etc) are treated like T-bombs within these rules.
Andromedan satellite ships do not expend endurance if they spend the entire turn inside a mothership and do not participate in combat. A satellite ship may spend the entire movement turn inside a mothership, come out only for combat, and expend only the supplies needed for combat. A satellite ship must spend the turn outside of a mothership to use their abilities or to be counted for pinning. A satellite ship spending the movement turn inside a mothership is not seen by ships or scouts.
Any Andromedan mothership with the hanger capacity may carry a SAT for MB placement, or carry a P-CS or P-CM to act as a temporary supply point or to upgrade a base. A mothership may not act as a repair point.
A cargo-variant satellite ship may act as a temporary supply point.
Each race receives 110 BPV per turn. This per-turn income stays level, whether a player is doing well or poorly. A player who has lost territory has his government shoveling more money into defense. Conversely, a player who is doing well has his government funneling money away from his efforts because "it's not needed".
This income is used to manufacture very small units and consumables (also known as "Commander's Options"), repair and construct ships, and to convert and refit your ships. All purchases are made against the SFB "Economic BPV" price, except where noted.
"Manufacturing" refers to the building of consumables and of those units which are so small that they are completed in a single turn.
"Production" refers to the creation of those items which take multiple months to complete, such as ships.
All expenditures during a turn are written down at the beginning of the turn. Manufacturing and production are completed at the end of the turn.
Note: playtest has shown that the required records for a race can be kept on a single page. It's not as bad as it might sound.
Manufacturing is usually performed at any Base Station or larger base. To simplify the game, logistics tracking is not needed to move your consumables around. It is assumed that your logistical staff is competent enough to have your consumables at the right place when you need them.
Ship production takes place over several turns and must be done at a shipyard. Each player's homeworld has a shipyard. Each shipyard is divided into areas based on the size class of the ships which may be built in the dock. Any ship may be built in the class 2 docks, only size class 3 or smaller in the class 3 docks, and the class 4 docks can only handle destroyers and frigates.
Non-Homeworld Starbases may have no more than a single size-class 4 dock. This must be built seperately after the base has been upgraded to a Starbase.
The table below shows docking requirements and construction time for various ship classes. Add three turns to the construction time if the Master Ship Chart has a "♦" notation or has a "TG" notation for the unit (Scouts, Tugs, PFTs, etc).
Ships | Class | Spaces | Turns |
BB | 2 | 4 | 36 |
DN | 2 | 3 | 24 |
BC | 3 | 3 | 18 |
CA, CC, CL, NCA | 3 | 2 | 12 |
MON | 3 | 2 | 12 |
CW | 3 | 1 | 9 |
DD | 4 | 1 | 9 |
DW, FW | 4 | 1 | 6 |
FF, FT | 4 | 1 | 6 |
F-L, Lg Aux | 3 | 1 | 3 |
F-S, Sm Aux | 4 | 1 | 3 |
Commander's Option items are received the turn they are purchased. These are Boarding Parties, T-Bombs, Drones, Shuttles, etc. Fighters and PFs are also constructed the same turn they are purchased, and are treated as consumables. Manufactured goods do not take shipyard space to produce.
Spare UIMs are tracked in a similar manner to T-Bombs. Those units with UIM standard may have more modules added. If a spare UIM burns out in combat it is destroyed. Built-in UIMs are repaired as the rest of the ship.
Drone speed upgrades and drone modules may be manufactured with no limit on the first turn they are available. The "Limited", "Restricted", and "General" availability used in SFB is to model decisions made by admirals at the level this campaign simulates, but also have an effect on the cost. Limited availability drones are purchased at 35% (7/20) of the (FD10.5) prices. Restricted availability drones are purchased at 25% (5/20) of the (FD10.5) prices, and General availability drones are purchased at 15% (3/20) of the (FD10.5) prices.
Tug Pods and Base Augmentation Modules are manufactured empty of fighters. Pods are manufactured empty of drones but deduct one BPV from the cost to construct them, per drone the pod normally carries in it's racks.
Manufacturing costs for fighters are at their economic costs (i.e. 1/2 their combat BPV) and are not discounted for drones the way ships are.
PF manufacturing costs are at their economic BPV. Drone-using PFs are discounted by one BPV per drone they carry in their racks.
The source material states that some items were purchased by certain races, rather than manufactured. Players wishing to have those items must still manufacture them for campaign purposes. The assumption is that the empire is purchasing those items at the cost given, rather than maufacturing it themselves.
Tholians must pay 1/6 BPV per hex of web they wish to maintain around each of their fixed installations. This maintainance must be paid every turn. But this allows them to start the combat in which they defend their installations with web already laid (as in G10.8). The web begins at the strength appropriate to (G10.83).
Any ship, base, or other unit which becomes crippled during combat must be repaired. To simplify the accounting, damaged units which are not crippled are repaired automatically and at no cost when the unit is resupplied. The cost to repair a crippled unit is set at 1/3 the economic BPV of the unit, not including the BPV of drones, fighters, or other manufactured goods added by the player.
Bases may be repaired by assigning a tug with cargo pods to a repair mission, and spending the appropriate money. A tug can only repair a base, not other ships, and only one per turn. A LTT may be assigned to this repair mission.
A unit being repaired and the repairing unit must remain at a repair point for the entire turn (not move). If a combat occurs at the site, the unit is still crippled at the beginning of the battle. If the repairing or repaired unit is destroyed or disengages, then the repair attempt fails and the BPV for that turn is still spent.
Repair Points: A repair point refers to those units (primarily FRDs) which can provide repairs to crippled units and are capable of performing repairs (i.e. has not moved this turn). There are very few non-bases which can act as a repair point. A repair point does not necessarily perform manufacturing, production, conversions, refits, or resupply.
If the repairing unit cannot complete the repairs in single turn, the repairs may be accumulated. A partially repaired ship is still crippled, but may move to another base or repair point without losing the accumulated repairs.
Optional: Allow use of repair pods on tugs or dedicated repair ships as repair points. Each tug or ship can work on any one ship, and may repair up to 1 BPV for each repair box each turn. These repair ships cannot apply refits or conversions. Bases and FRDs still use only the below chart.
The spending limit in the table below applies to the total of all spending on repairs, refits and conversions, not a separate limit on each.
Repairing Unit | Max $$ per Turn | Max Ships (repairs, refits and conversions) |
BS or MB* | 15 | 1 size class 4, no refits or conversions |
BATS | 30 | 2 size class 4, or 1 size class 3, no conversions |
FRD | 90 | Any 1 or 2 ships |
SB | 135 | No Limit |
Most ships have refits available, which increase the ship's capabilities. A BATS, FRD, or SB may apply any refit to any ship they could repair, so long as they do not service more than the MAX SHIPS limit. A ship being repaired may also be refitted without being counted twice under this limit.
Like repairs, refits take an entire turn to perform. There can be no movement of the ship being refit, either intentional or disengagement, or else all the progress and resources of this turn are lost. If a combat occurs where a ship is being refit, then the unit is un-refit but still functional in the combat.
Like repairs, the refit may accumulate spending over multiple turns to complete the refit and a partially refit ship can be moved without losing the accumulated work.
Carriers (and escorts) may be built out to support any available fighter when constructed. Changing to a different fighter type is a refit that costs 1/2 BPV for each fighter box. Examples are F-18 to F-14, Stinger-I to Stinger-II, or Z-Y to Z-H. No refit is required to support a newer version of the same fighter, such as F-15 to F-15C or TADS to TADSC.
Changing Andromedan hangers is also a refit, costing 1/2 BPV for each hanger box changed no matter how it is changed.
Conversion | Turns | $$$ | Requires |
MB -> BS | 6 | 120 | Tug or LTT |
BS -> BATS | 6 | 120 | - |
BATS -> SB | 12 | 440 | Tug |
All offensive movement must be written in advance. Ships which do not move and which may move are assumed to be reserves and may move in reaction to enemy movements. Ships may be ordered to proceed to a position then react from there, by writing REACT in place of movement for the rest of the turn.
There are 3 movement "pulses" during movement. Units may only move on those pulses that they earn a movement. Units which plot Reaction movement earn movement when they may normally move, but may use this movement later in the turn.
Civilian Ships (such as the FT) do not move on #2. Monitors, auxiliaries, pod based freighters, and other "Maneuver Limited" ships only move on #1.
FRDs may be moved by tug or by ships. When moved by a tug, use the tug's normal movement. When moved by two ships of at least movement cost of 2/3 each, the FRD may be moved as a "Maneuver Limited" ship.
Crippled ships move as "Maneuver Limited" ships. Maneuver limited ships that are also crippled are not penalized further.
Ships that wish to moved while cloaked may do so, but they may only move on the first pulse of movement.
Fast cruisers of module R6 can move twice during the first pulse. The enemy is allowed to react to the first movement and before the second movement if they could have reacted to a normal ship at the new (first movement) location.
Pulse | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Normal Warships | • | • | • |
War Construction | • | • | • |
Fast Warships | •• | • | • |
Civilian Ships | • | • | |
Maneuver Limited | • | ||
PFs | • | ||
Cloaked Ships | • | ||
Crippled Ships | • |
Reaction movement is movement performed in reaction to discovering enemy units. Reaction movement can only be performed by units which plotted reaction movement for that pulse, did not move during that movement pulse, and could move during that movement pulse.
Ships will only react to what they can see, what other ships / bases in their map-space can see, or what a fleet / base in a neighboring map-space can see. Thus a fleet next to base can react to an enemy approaching that base, but not an enemy approaching a distant base.
Reaction movement can only occur in regards to movement into or out of a hex that does not contain a base the player knew about at the start of the turn. This means that a player's ships can react to finding a base, or to finding a fleet, but not to finding a fleet (or lack thereof) at a known enemy base.
When opposing ships are in the same map space a combat occurs, regardless of when it happened during the movement (but see (306) Pinning, below). If additional ships enter the combat later during movement, they appear on the SFB combat map 5 SFB turns later for each movement pulse they were delayed. Optional: the moderator may apply a random factor to change a 5 turn delay into 4-6 turns, and a 10 turn delay into 8-12 turns. The players should NOT know the actual delay(s) at the start of combat.
If two fleets move to in such a fashion that a battle would occur on a map-space edge, then the moderator determines which of the two map spaces to use. The moderator may apply no obvious reason to this determination.
PFs from Bases or true PF tenders may be given movement orders (Attack or React) separate from their "home" platform. Only PF flotillas that include at least one leader and at least one scout may move independently of their tender. They move as maneuver limited ships.
Fighters nominally have this ability as well, but lack the endurance and speed to cover the distances involved. However, see (306) Pinning and (403) Approach Battles.
There are few restrictions on which ships may be in a fleet or out of a fleet. Any number of ships may fly together during movement, but the number of ships which can be engaged in combat as a battle force is limited in rule (401).
Carriers which are not properly escorted per rule 401 may not move freely. They may not move using reaction movement. They may not move from a BATS or SB unless the destination is another BATS or SB, a repair/supply point where an escort is or will be available, or the destination is on a direct route to their final destination at a SB or the home world and the entire route and all bordering map spaces are free of known enemy forces.
Only PF flotillas from true PF tender (including bases) that include at least one leader and at least one scout may move independently of their tender.
During movement, when enemy forces are in the same map space, the encounter forces both commanders to 'honor the threat'. This requires the smaller force to stop, and the larger force to stop at least a portion of it's contingent. These stopped ships are considered 'pinned' and may not continue moving.
The owner of the larger force must leave at least as many ship-equivalents has the smaller force has in ship-equivalents. The owner of the larger force has the option to leave more ships in the combat (such as the entire fleet), or to continue onward with the remnant of the fleet. Each fleet must leave a ship that can operate as a flagship for the entire pinned force. If no such flagship exists, then the entire force must stay behind.
Each squadron of fighters (8 to 12) or flotilla of PFs (4 to 6) acting independently counts as a single ship for these purposes. Only one squadron or flotilla of less than full size may be counted as a ship, but 6 remaining fighters plus 3 remaining PFs would be considered one ship-equivalent. If the carrier or PF tender is in the fight, then the PFs and/or fighters are not initially apparent to the opposing force and are not normally counted. The commander may choose to launch fighters or PFs in order to pin more enemy ships.
If additional ships enter the map space later in movement (by reaction or otherwise), they must check for pinning as well. If the enemy fleet is larger than the 'friendly' ships, then additional ships from this new force will be pinned as well.
If any individual ship is forced to stop moving by a pinning opponent, it may not move later in the turn, even if additional friendly ships enter the map space later.
Crippled ships cannot be detected as such, and are counted as if uncrippled when calculating ship equivalents.
Civilian ships and freighter variants (including auxillaries) count as 1/5 of a ship equivalent.
Carriers that do not have their full escort group (under (305) Fleet Composition) cannot pin ships. Neither can the (remaining) escorts pin ships. But the carrier's fighters may still pin ships as normal.
Note that pinning does not happen between turns. This allows two opposing fleets to meet one turn, carry out the battle, and then seperate during the first movement pulse of the following turn.
Cloaked Pinning: Ships using cloaked movement may only be pinned by forces that include a scout. The scout must remain in the map space to pin the cloaked fleet. Even then, the uncloaked force can only successfully pin a number of cloaked ships equal to half of the number of ship-equivalents in the uncloaked force (rounded down). Ships using cloaked movement cannot be counted when determining the number of enemy ships must be left behind, since pinning requires a visible threat, but the cloaked commander may choose to decloak to pin the uncloaked enemy. Otherwise, a cloaked fleet may be completely ignored by the enemy fleet.
All units can see the map space they are currently inhabiting. Only those units marked as scouts in the Master Ship Chart (with the "♦" notation) may see into the map spaces surrounding the one they inhabit.
Bases and Scouts can detect ships at 1 hex out with TAC INTEL level S3 (movement cost of the fleet and the number of ships) knowledge and know the fleet's race(s). Units in the same space also have level S3 knowledge and know the fleet's race(s) during the pinning step and before the battle is engaged. Once both fleets are chosen and markers are put on the SFB map, both players have level K knowledge (See (D17.4) in the SFB rules. TAC INTEL rules are effectively dropped) of those units in the battle. Scout PFs are treated as ships, not as scouts.
Cloaked ships (even cloaked scouts) can only see their current map space, and receive the same information as a non-scout does.
Cloaked ships can only be detected by a scout and only while in the same map space. Scouts recieve the same information of cloaked units as if the unit were not cloaked and the scout were a normal ship.
Battles are principally resolved by Star Fleet Battles (SFB).
Note that if both fleets wish to not engage each other while on the same map-space, they do not need to, even if the pinning forces were calculated.
All combats start at WS-II.
All maps are fixed-size and are 99x99 hexes in size. A ship leaving the map has disengaged. A ship leaving the map edge in the first three combat turns will be treated as if it disengaged by acceleration.
In combats where there is a base involved, the base is at the center of the map. Defending units begin within 5 hexes of the base. Ships may begin the battle docked. The attackers begin 49 hexes from the base in the direction they entered the map-space from. Each fleet must setup with it's ships within 5 hexes of each other (5 hexes from furthest to furthest) facing the base.
Open space battles start at a range of 40 hexes. The closest unit of each fleet is 20 hexes from the center in the direction from which they entered the map-space from. Each fleet must set up with it's ships within 5 hexes of each other (5 hexes from furthest to furthest) facing the center.
Units which did not move into the map-space are treated as if they entered from the opposite direction from the opposing fleet. If there is more than one direction opposing fleets entered from, they enter from a direction which no other fleet entered (moderator's choice). Units which did not move into the map space may face whatever direction they wish.
In approach battles and pursuit battles, both fleets are treated as if they entered the map space from opposite directions. Approach battles are treated as open space battles. Pursuit battles are treated as open space battles except that the fleet being pursued is facing away from the opposing fleet.
Battle Force Selection
Any number of ships may fly together during movement, but the number of ships which can be engaged in combat as a battle force is limited. The limits are defined by examining SFB rule (S8.0). Most of the (S8.0) fleet composition rules are waived, since these rules are to restrict patrol scenarios to historical 'best practices'. In this campaign setting, the strategic ramifications of these rules is enforced by the opposing force and by the production limits. What is retained is:
Fighter Selection The ships in the battle force may borrow fighters only from ships designated in section R as carrier resupply ships, or from ships destroyed in combat, or the excess fighters from ships that have had their fighter bays destroyed and cannot land all of their fighters. No ship may borrow a fighter that it's ready racks are not configured for.
PF Selection Although the standard flotilla is 4 combat PFs, a leader and a scout, PF force selection is almost unrestricted. The ships in the battle force may not borrow PFs from other PF equiped ships in the fleet. They may only use the PFs they were assigned, except that any PFs assigned to ships in the fleet that have been destroyed may be used to replace combat losses during a subsequent battle. This rule may not be applied to allow any ship to carry more leaders or scouts than it was originally assigned.
The following are the default for rules being used or not used in every combat. By agreement between the players and moderator, this ruleset may be modified to taste.
Each time a fleet attempts to attack a fixed installation, the defender has the option of fighting an approach battle. Such a combat becomes an open-space battle of the forces on hand, excluding the fixed installation.
At the attacker's option, the approach battle may become the first main battle by floating the map 150 SFB hexes toward the fixed installation. The map can float only in that direction. This rule is to prevent token forces on the approach battle from wasting time and resources.
If a fleet moved in via cloaked movement, then the attacking commander may choose to bypass the approach battle.
Crippled and Maneuver-Limited ships belonging to the defender may not participate in an approach battle, but fighters and PFs may participate.
If the attacker declines this approach battle, they may not have a Main Battle or Pursuit Battle this turn.
The Main Battle represents the actual combat. There may be more than one Main Battle, allowing the attacker to use a very large attack force in multiple waves that each meet the Force Composition limits to whittle down a particularly strong defender.
Ships in the opposing forces may not replace expended munitions, break out spare fighters or shuttles, or repair (other than D9.2 or D9.7) between battles. Exception: Bases which are supply points may reload drone racks from inventory.
If one player has uncrippled ships in the map space that are not in the current battle, they may disengage the current battle force, ending the battle, but then form a new battle force and start another battle.
A defender may retreat a portion of his force after any main battle, leaving a rear guard of ships. None of the ships in the rear guard may have been used in more than one previous battle. The attacker may not pursue the retreating ships past the rear guard but may attack the rear guard. If the defense included a fixed installation, the attacker may choose between pursuing the retreating force (abandoning the attack on the fixed installation for this turn), or continuing to attack the installation and any remaining defenders, the attacker may not do both.
Once one battle has taken place in a map space (whether an Approach or Main battle), regardless of the number of SFB turns it took, all forces which were scheduled for delayed arrival are present.
Any given attacking ship may be used in no more than two main battles. Defending units are not limited.
Once either player is unable or unwilling to continue fighting, the main battles are over.
After all units belonging to one side have disengaged or been destroyed, the other fleet may begin a pursuit battle. The non-retreating player may designate up to half (round up) of his uncrippled and non-maneuver-limited ships to pursue the retreating enemy. These can include any ships in the map-space, not just those in the last battle. This pursuing force must meet the force composition requirements identified above.
The retreating player must form his battle force from all his crippled and maneuver-limited ships, then may add uncrippled ships to the limit of his flagship's command rating, but may always add at least three uncrippled ships. If the retreating force exceeds the flagship's commanding rating, then those units in excess of the command rating may not maneuver or fire weapons during the combat. The force commander identifies these 'excess' ships to the moderator.
Any ship in a pursuit battle may perform up to their maximum CDR limit in repairs. These repairs count against the (D9.76) limitation of CDR amount and any CDR done during the previous battle also count towards this limit. Because of the temporary nature of these repairs a previously-crippled ship repaired so it no longer qualifies by (S2.41) as crippled, is still crippled for purposes of the campaign.
If the retreating player left a rear guard (as in section 404), then there can be no pursuit battle (the rear guard battle is the pursuit battle).
If the retreating player has no crippled or maneuver limited ships, there can be no pursuit battle.
The retreating player may only disengage by exiting the map during a pursuit battle. After the pursuit battle is finished, a second pursuit battle cannot be joined. Cloaking ships receive no special benefits during pursuit battles.
After a Pursuit battle, all units remain in the map space until the next turn's movement.
Most bases, and a very few units (generally freighters and cargo-tugs) are supply points. Ships which visit a supply point may draw fuel, life support, and other items from inventory.
The last step of the turn is where supplies are handled.
All ships carry a limited amount of fuel and life support supplies. If these run out, the ship is out of supply. Enough of these supplies for one turn is referred to as one unit of supplies. The actual amount varies based upon the movement cost of the ship, but the endurance is consistent. Most ships carry four units of supply. Wartime construction (NCAs, CWs, DWs, and FWs) and PFs carry three units. Andromedan Motherships carry four units of supply and their sattilite ships carry two.
A ship is checked for supply at the end of the turn. If it is not at a base or temporary supply point, then the ship must have supplies on board. Each turn one unit of supplies is consumed. An additional unit of supplies is consumed if the ship engaged in more than three SFB turns of combat, or if the ship disengaged by acceleration.
A ship which is at a supply point at the end of the turn is fully resupplied.
A ship which passed through a map space with a supply point was fully resupplied during movement, but still consumes one unit of supply at the end of turn.
If the end of turn check indicates that the ship has used all available units of supply, then that ship is out of supply.
A unit out of supply is treated much as if it is crippled. It moves on the strategic map like a cripple.
The ship cannot pin other ships. An opponent may pin the ship without expending a ship equivilent to do so. But the opponent must have ships present to pin.
The ship may not operate more than half of it's warp engines.
The ship may not HET or disengage by acceleration.
The ship may not fire overloads.
The ship may not operate it's cloaking device or displacement device.
The ship is also subject to the penalties of a poor crew.
Klingon ships out of supply will suffer mutiny on a roll of 2 on two dice, or a roll of 3 or less if a penal ship. This is performed every turn the ship is out of supply, during the supply check. Ships which mutiny follow (G6.2) to resolve the result. Successful mutiny results in the loss of the ship (as if destroyed). A warp-capable boom section can be retained by the Klingon player at the cost of automatic success of the mutiny.
Supply points are those units capable of carrying fuel and replacement stores. Being a supply point (in and of itself) does not necessarily mean that it can perform manufacturing, conversions, refits, or repairs. Bases which are supply points have on-hand access to all supplies that are in the national inventory at the beginning of the turn. These are called "Permenant Supply Points."
Ships wishing to supply other ships must have 10 or more cargo boxes. These are called "Temporary Supply Points." Units wishing to become a temporary supply point must leave a permanent supply point (i.e. a base), travel to another map space, and be ordered to act as a temporary supply point. At that point, they may supply items from inventory, and the fuel and life support counted for endurance. 15 cargo spaces provides one unit of these supplies for a ship with a movement cost of one, ships with higher or lower movement costs require proportionately more or less.
Annex #7K provides the cargo spaces required for other items.
To become a point of supply, the unit must not move on the turn it acts as a Temporary Supply Point. If the ship disengages to avoid attack, this counts as movement and the ship cannot supply other units this turn.
Ships may resupply from a Temporary Supply Point only at the end of the turn.
The Temporary Supply Point may draw fuel and life support suppplies for itself from the cargo.
The Temporary Supply Point may not provide more supplies or replacements than it carried. Once the cargo spaces are empty, the ship ceases to be a Temporary Supply Point.
A temporary supply point consisting one more than one supply ship may freely move cargo between the supply ships. This allows the supply point to be replenished with regular cargo runs.
A special case is a cargo ship accompanying a fleet. The cargo ship must leave a supply point with the fleet, and move with the fleet at the same speed. The fleet ships may slow down to allow this, if needed. The cargo ship can only supply itself and it's fleet, but may do so even on turns on which it moved or was attacked.
These are notes about the various units.
This table displays how to treat a given hull for purposes of Endurance, Construction, and Movement. Variants of a hull are treated the same as the base hull.
Rules of Thumb:
Builds As (in 202) | Endurance (in 501) | Moves (in 302) | Federation Hull | Klingon Hull | Romulan Hull | Kzinti Hull | Gorn Hull | Tholian Hull |
BB | 4 | 3 | BB | B10, B11 | KCN, B10R | BB | BB | NBB |
DN | 4 | 3 | DN | C9, C8 | CON, K9R, VLV | DN | DN | D, NDN |
BC | 4 | 3 | BCG | C7 | NH, KCR | CV, BCH | BCH | |
CA/CL | 4 | 3 | CA, CL | D7, D6 | K7R, KR | BC, CL | CA, CL | C, NCA, NCL |
DD | 4 | 3 | DD | F5 | K5R | DD | DD | DD, NDD |
FF | 4 | 3 | FF | E3, E4 | K4R | FF | FF | PC, NFF |
NCA | 3 | 3 | NCA | D5W | Heavy Hawks | NCA | CM | CAN |
CW | 3 | 3 | NCL | D5, RKL | SpH, KDR | CM | HDD | CW |
DW | 3 | 3 | DW | F5W | SkH | DW | BDD | |
FW | 3 | 3 | FFB | F6 | SeaH | |||
F-S | 4 | 1 | WT | |||||
CA | 4 | 4 | CF | FD7 | ||||
CW | 3 | 4 | NCF | FDW | ||||
CA | 3 | 3 | WE, KE | |||||
DD | 3 | 3 | BH | |||||
FF | 3 | 3 | SNA | |||||
Builds As (in 202) | Endurance (in 501) | Moves (in 302) | Hydran Hull | Lyran Hull | ISC Hull | Andromedan Hull | Seltorian Hull | |
BB | 4 | 3 | MNR | BB | BB | DEV | ||
DN | 4 | 3 | PAL | DN | DN | DOM | DN | |
BC | 4 | 3 | OV | BC, BCH | INT | BCH | ||
CA/CL | 4 | 3 | LC, RN, PGV | CA, CL | CA, CL | COQ | CA, CL | |
DD | 4 | 3 | LN | DD | DD | DD | ||
FF | 4 | 3 | HN | FF | FF | FF | ||
NCA | 3 | 3 | CHA, CHY | NCA | NCA | NCA | ||
CW | 3 | 3 | MNG, HR | CW | ||||
DW | 3 | 3 | DWF | DW | ||||
BB | 4 | 1 | HVS | |||||
CA/CL | 2 | 3 | PYT | |||||
DD | 2 | 3 | COB | |||||
FF | 2 | 3 | VIP |
Here is the blank orders form (Text Document) (Sample Hydran Libreoffice Document)
What follows is an example of part of a Y168 game:
Federation | Gorn |
The moderator gave the Fed player this initial setup | The moderator gave the Gorn player this initial setup |
The moderator gave them this initial map. Players need to distribute their starting ships into four fleets that go to their four outlying bases (per 103). | |
The Federation player gave back this fleet setup | The Gorn player gave back this fleet setup |
Now the game is set up. Play begins. | |
The Federation player sent in this set of turn 1 orders
The Gorn player sent in this set of turn 1 orders
The Federation player sent in this set of turn 2 orders
The Gorn player sent in this set of turn 2 orders
A battle broke out at hex 0605. The Federation player decided to play the combat with a BT++, CAR+, CL, CVS w/ 12xF-4s, DDL, 3xDD, 3xFFE. The Gorn player decided to play the combat with a CC, 3xCA, 6xCL.
In the approach battle, the attacking Gorns crippled the CL, the entire DD squadron, and killed one of the CVS's F-4s. The Federation player crippled 2 CLs in return. The actual battle then occured. The Gorns focused all of their plasma on the BATS at long range, eventually killing it. Meanwhile the Federation player crippled 2 of the CAs and killed 3 CLs with huge amounts of proximity-fused photons. The Gorns then disengaged. The Federation CVS replaced it's destroyed F-4 from the remainder of of the BATS's fighters, but had to abandon the rest. The Federation player took off after the retreating Gorns in a pursuit battle. The federation player left the CVS and her escorts at the base-site, and added a pair of FFGs to the force, making the pursuit force a BT++, a CAR+, and 2xFFGs. The Gorn player decided to shepherd his crippled CAs with his entire attack force and added the SC he had waiting, making his force a CC, a CA, 2x crippled CAs, 3xCLs, and an SC. In the pursuit battle, the Federation player crippled the SC. The Gorns destroyed both of the FFGs. | |
This is their end of turn 2 map
These units were destroyed at 0605:
The units at 0605 have expended 1 unit of supply |
This is their end of turn 2 map
These units were destroyed at 0605:
The units at 0605 have expended 2 units of supply |
NOTE that the units at 0605 are not pinned, as there has been a battle and all forces of one side have disengaged or been destroyed. |