Turn 0

Coalition Conference

HOME: (Randall) 1x Romulan BATS+y-sab (cloak), 2x HBM-sab, 1x PFM, 6x G-FSF, 6x G-III (408 BPV)
Flotilla 1 (Bob): G1-L, G1-S+, 4x G1+ (321 BPV)
Flotilla 2 (Randall): STH-L-sab, STH-S-sab, 4x STH-sab (298 BPV)
Flotilla 3 (Lee): G1-L, G1-S+, 4x G1+ (321 BPV)

Alliance Association

HOME: (Chris) 1x LDR BATS+y, 2x HBM, 1x PFM, 12x Z-YBs (454 BPV)
Flotilla 1 (Tom): Har-L, Har-S+, 4x Har+ (268 BPV)
Flotilla 2 (Keith): Needle-L, Needle-S+, 4x Needle+ (317 BPV)
Flotilla 3 (Chris): Bob-L, Bob-S+, 4x Bob-A+ (273 BPV)

Team I
BorderTeam II
Team II
0Romulan BATS
Coal VP:
Ally VP:

Coal VP:
Ally VP:

Coal VP:
Ally VP:

Coal VP:
Ally VP:

Coal VP:
Ally VP:

The modified campaign rules include details on how to incorporate more than two players into the campaign.


Turn in records of the previous turn's destroyed PFs, victory points for each battle, replaced PFs (due to that turn's (U9.32)), and re-organized flotillas to the campaign recorder.
Turn in records of replacements and new deployments for the current turn to the campaign recorder.
Campaign recorder updates this document for the new turn and the new information.
Players run through every space that there is a battle.
Perform record keeping (below).

(U9.32) REINFORCEMENTS AND REPLACEMENTS: Each round, during the record keeping phase, each player receives; replacements for all lost fighters and shuttlecraft Each player also receives one complete PF flotilla, including one leader, one scout, and four standard PFs. Additionally, each player receives one additional standard PF for each scenario that he won during the round just completed. All ammunition (drones, PPTs, T-bombs, etc.) are replaced
If the BATS belonging to one player is destroyed, replace it (in future rounds) with a war cruiser PFT (Fed NPF, Klingon D5P, Romulan SpH-E, Kzinti MPFT, Gorn HDP, Tholian PFW, Hydran NPF, Lyran PFW, ISC PFT) and change that scenario to a floating map (Also note that the fighter squadron will be permanently lost.) If the PFT is destroyed, replace it with a large auxiliary PFT. If that ship is destroyed, replace it with a small auxiliary PFT. If that ship is destroyed, it is replaced with an identical unit.
(U9.33) DEPLOYMENT PHASE: During the deployment phase, the players can deploy their forces to the five scenario zones (secretly and simultaneously) as follows
Each PF flotilla is assigned to a scenario. More than one flotilla may be assigned to a given scenario, but no flotilla may be divided between two or more scenarios.
No more than two flotillas can be assigned to the scenario including the enemy base unless one full-strength flotilla is assigned to each of the other four scenarios.
The battle station does not move
The fighter squadron will remain at the base unless there is only one operational PF flotilla. In that case, the squadron can be assigned to the scenario closest to the base. (Scenario II for player A; scenario IV for player B.)
Note that it is entirely possible that a scenario may have forces from only one player. In that case, that player automatically wins. It is also possible that a scenario may have no forces from either player, in which case it is considered a draw.
(U9.34) RECORD-KEEPING PHASE: During the record-keeping phase, each player must reorganize his surviving forces. The following procedure is used:
A. DETERMINE SURVIVING PFs AND CREWS; All surviving PFs and fighters are fully repaired.
In the case of a destroyed PF; [when using (U9.61) below], roll a die with a 1-3 indicating that the crew has survived in their pod and has been rescued.
B. ADD REPLACEMENT PFs: Add the reinforcements/replacements specified in (U9.32) to the surviving forces. Note that the number of PFs lost or remaining has no effect on the rate these reinforcements arrive.
C. REORGANIZE FLOTILLAS; The key here is in (U9.33) As no flotilla can be divided between scenarios, the number of flotillas that a player can organize will directly determine the number of scenarios he can send forces to. It is not, however, necessarily a good idea to create three small flotillas out of two large ones, as these small forces would quickly lose the scenario to full strength flotillas that they may encounter.
The available PFs are organized into "operational flotillas" within the following restrictions.
1. No flotilla can contain more than six PFs
2. No flotilla can contain less than three PFs
3. No flotilla can contain more than one PF-Leader unless every flotilla has a PF-Leader
4. No flotilla can contain more than one PF Scout unless every flotilla has a PF-Scout


Scenario (SG14.0) portrays the bulk of the missions flown by PFs during the General War. However, when two PF flotillas meet, each may have a pre-assigned mission and, if so, would be unlikely to drop it for the glory of a random encounter with other PFs. To simulate this concept, each player draws one card from an ordinary deck of playing cards, then consults the chart below to determine what his previous mission was. The cards selected by each player are placed face down somewhere in plain view (perhaps with some paperweight to protect them) and remain secret (each known only by the player who drew it) until the end of the scenario.
Given that most missions are simply patrol/superiority types, players might decide beforehand that all red cards, or all cards of a given suit or suits, are "no special mission, normal patrol, unrestricted PF warfare" orders.
Special Note: Most missions are simply patrol and superiority missions, rather than the special missions given. If the card drawn is black (spades, clubs), ignore it. Your only mission is to patrol the sector, engage any enemy forces you encounter, determine their mission, and prevent them from carrying it out.
When using this system, each player calculates his victory status independently of the other players mission. That is, calculate the Standard Victory Conditions normally, but count the bonuses and penalties provided below for that player only. It is not impossible that both players will win; it is entirely possible that certain mission combinations will result in the two flotillas not even fighting! Note that if a mission requires you to disengage, your victory will be evaluated without the points that the enemy received for "forcing" you to disengage. The enemy, unaware of your mission, will of course count these points in his own victory conditions.
2You have been assigned to recover two survival pods from PFs that disengaged from a raid on the enemy base but which were badly damaged and had to be abandoned. These pods are located in 2214 and 2216. You receive a 10-point bonus for each pod recovered. (If both players have drawn this mission, the two pods belong to one player but the other is trying to capture them. Which is which does not matter.)
3Your mission is to provide security for your forces. To do this, you must prevent the enemy PFs from breaking contact (i.e., disengaging by distance) in the direction of your base. If they do, you receive a 20-point penalty.
4Your mission is to lure the enemy PFs into a battle, then maintain contact (i.e., prevent the enemy from disengaging) for six turns, by which point additional forces will arrive. If you still have contact with at least three enemy PFs (i.e., they have not disengaged) at the end of turn 6, you gain a 20 point bonus. It four or more enemy PFs have been destroyed in that time, you get the bonus anyway. (The scenario does not end at the end of this turn. The expected reinforcements advise that they are busy elsewhere, and you can conclude the encounter at your own discretion.)
5Intelligence reports that the enemy is short of PF leaders. If you destroy the enemy PF leader, you gain a 20 point bonus.
6Your mission is to break contact in the direction of the enemy base and conduct a reconnaissance mission. If you succeed in breaking contact (i.e., disengaging by distance, or by destroying the entire enemy force), you gain a 20-point bonus.
7You have been assigned to deliver some critical materials to one of your outposts. One of your PFs is a cargo variant. If this PF disengages by distance in direction D (for player A) or A (for player B), you gain a 5-point bonus for each intact cargo box. At the time of this disengagement, the cargo PF cannot be further in direction E/F (player A) or B/C (player B) than the original starting hex.
8Intelligence reports that the enemy is short of PF scouts. If you destroy the enemy PFS, you gain a 20-point bonus.
9You have been assigned to a reconnaissance mission and do not want to become decisively engaged. If your flotilla succeeds in damaging two enemy PFs and then disengages in any direction, you gain a 5-point bonus for each of your uncrippled PFs that disengage.
10The sector commodore is waging a war of attrition. You gain a 10-point bonus for each enemy PF destroyed for captured and a 10-point penalty lor each of your PFs destroyed or captured.
JYour mission is to break contact in the direction of the enemy base (ie., C or F) and conduct a raid. For each uncrippled PF with its warp packs still attached which disengages by distance, you gain a 5-point bonus. (If the PFs did not originally have warp packs, that requirement is ignored. Drone-armed and Plasma-D-armed PFs must have at least half of their drones/plasmas. Fi-Cons must have two undamaged fighters.)
QYou have been assigned to conduct a commando raid on an enemy outpost. Two of your PFs are commando PFs. ll these two PFs successfully disengage by distance in direction A (for player A) or direction D (for player B) without being crippled and accompanied by one other uncrippled PF, you gain a 30-point bonus.
KYou have been assigned to conduct a minelaying mission. One of your PFs is a mine warfare PF loaded with four NSMs and eight T-bombs. If this PF disengages by distance in direction B (for player A) or E (for player B), and has at least three NSMs and at least six T-bombs on board, and is escorted by two uncrippled PFs, you gain a 20 point bonus.
AThe sector commodore is attempting to overwhelm the enemy maintenance system. You gain a 20-point bonus if all enemy PFs have at least some internal damage.
JokerThree of your PFs are Fi-Cons (with four fighters). Otherwise, this is a standard patrol mission.