(ST02.1) NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2; Each player has a single ship
TERRAIN: The map is surrounded by a Tournament Barrier (P17.0).
PLAYER 1: Ship in 1701, heading D, speed max, WS-III. See (ST02.45) for which ships with what refits may be chosen.
PLAYER 2: Ship in 2530, heading A, speed max, WS-III. See (ST02.45) for which ships with what refits may be chosen.
YEAR: No year is specified as tournament-style ships and their specific rules are used. The players may, in a variation, use normal ships and will have to select a year to determine what drone speeds and other options are available. Y179 is recommended.
(ST02.3) LENGTH OF SCENARIO: The scenario continues until all forces belonging to one side have been destroyed.
(ST02.41) MAP: The map is fixed; it does not "float." No ship may disengage.
(ST02.42) SHUTTLES AND PFs: Shuttles have warp booster packs only if noted below in (ST02.45). There are no PFs in this scenario. There are no MRS shuttles in this scenario.
Advanced Admin Shuttles (J17.0) will be used only as noted below in (ST02.45)
Drone-armed empires may have a single scatter-pack shuttle ready when they begin. The drones for this come from (deplete) the drone racks.
(ST02.431) No ship may purchase additional or special equipment as Commander's Option Items.
(ST02.432) All drones are "medium", speed-20, unless otherwise defined. "Fast" drones may be upgraded or purchased, but are general availability. Drone racks purchased for option mounts are loaded with "slow" drones. This means that each "B" racks costs 4 points to recieve loaded with "medium" speed drones.
Each drone-armed ship may exchange 2 type-I drones for a type-IV drone. Each drone-armed ship may do this once per drone rack.
There are no reloads for drone racks. No extra drones may be purchased.
(ST02.44) REFITS: Units in this scenario will have only the refits noted for their ship in (ST02.45). No refit may be substituted or added.
(ST02.45) ALLOWED SHIPS: The following ships are available.
Race | Unit | Notes |
Federation | FF | (all shuttles have WBPs) |
FFL+ | (drone rack is loaded entirely with ADDs. No Y175 refit) | |
Klingon | F5 | (no B or K refit) |
E4D | (has 4x type F drones. No Y175 refit) | |
Romulan | K4Rb | (has 2x T-bombs. has Sabot refit) |
SNA+ | (has 1x NSM and 1x T-Bomb. has Sabot refit) | |
Kzinti | FF+ | (Has the C-10 refit, but not the Y175 refit) |
Gorn | DD | (has Sabot refit. All shuttles have WBPs) |
Tholian | PC | (has Snare refit. Has 2x T-bombs) |
DPC+ | (Has 2x T-bombs) | |
Orion | LR | (has 5 extra points for options. See annex #8B) |
LR+ | (does not have any extra points for options) | |
Hydran | SAR | (all shuttles are A-Admins with WBPs) |
Andromedan | VIP | (has 2x T-Bombs) |
Lyran | FF+pu | (Shield and Phaser refits. Add a single-use UIM.) |
WYN | AxC | (has 8 extra points for options. See annex #8B. One option-mount may be not from the WYN operating area.) |
ISC | FF | |
LDR | MP+ | (No Pack, no UIM) |
Seltorian | FF | (Is not under the tech limitations of R15.1C1. GAS shuttles are replaced by admins. All shuttles have WBPs.) |
Vudar | FFW | (all shuttles have WBPs, has 1x T-Bomb) |
Paravian | FF | (no APR refit) |
Carnivon | FFL+ | (no Y175 refit. Death Bolts are speed 20) |