"Another Way to Glory" is a Star Fleet Battles campaign run by Matthew Potter. It is designed as a beginning-war 4X campaign.
This campaign is originally based on the campaign "Canis Minor", run by Jon Berry in June of 2012 to Feburary of 2013. Canis Minor was based on the successful Farthest Stars campaign that was started by Dale McKee in 2007 and finished in march of 2011. The first run of this campaign started in the middle of 2013 and ran for about a year.
The Campaign will be heavily moderated by the GM and will not be Free-form. The GM is the final arbiter in all disputes should it come to that.
Of course, Combat is inevitable (and indeed, encouraged!) and as such, the Campaign will run until all remaining players agree to a Stalemate (all survivors win!), or there is only one remaining Empire in the game.
All of the modules in play except for the modules relating to non-alpha-octant empires (e.g. Omegas, Magellenics, etc)
Pretty much everything from the Alpha Octant and playtest modules thereof except for the Jindarian, LDR and WYN. The Frax of the simulators are welcome as well. All other races are reserved for use by the GM as NPC races and random encounters.
Thus the allowed list is: Federation (R2.0), Klingon (R3.0), Romulan (R4.0), Kzinti (R5.0), Gorn (R6.0), Tholian (R7.0), Orion (R8.0), Hydran (R9.0), Andromedan (R10.0), Lyran (R11.0), ISC (R13.0), Seltorian (R15.0), Vudar (R17.0), Paravian (R18.0), Carnivon (R19.0), FRAX (R51.0), Borak (Module E3), and Peladine (Module E4)
ANDROMEDANS: Changing hanger loadout is a refit, costing 10 EP per hanger box on ship (regardless of the number of hangers being changed). Fleets must abide by (G18.8) and not (G18.85). SATs operate as MBs. They may be moved/placed by mothership only. SATs upgrade to BS which upgrade to BATS via campaign rules, not andromedan rules.
FEDERATION: Must commit to the third way (or not) on turn one.
FRAX: The AFD is available only per the "Warrior" level (E52.15).
ISC: Have a slew of refits
(R1.R2) PPD Refit: Available to ships in Y168 and bases in Y165. Replace PPD with G-torp and drop price by 10 BPV each.
(R13.R1) Phaser-3: Available in Y165 only to SC-3 ships. Remove LS/RS Ph-3 and drop price by 1 BPV each.
(R13.R2) Rear Plasma: Available in Y171. Remove rear F-Torps and drop price by 2 BPV each.
(R13.R3) S Torp: Available in Y170. Replace S-Torp with G-Torp and drop price by 5 BPV each.
ORIONS: Operate under a heavily modified set of rules, due to their special operating characteristics.
PARAVIAN: Only YIS 168 units available at campaign start. All others available at the normally-listed dates. All non-W-era and non-Y-era paravian ships have the QWTs as noted in CapLog #28. The rules given in Module C6 (when released) will not be used. It takes a refit to change an NWO box, and it costs 10 EP per box to be changed regardless of the type of system. BPs need to be purchased seperately and increase the BPV of the ship like drone-speed upgrades do. Otherwise are treated as HDW NWOs (G33.3)
PELADINE: All CNJ ships are allowed for general production (barring other limitations, such as size class)
SELTORIAN: Only the units marked as HG are available at campaign start. All others available at the normally-listed dates. Tholian versions of general units (R1.0) are available: replace web generators with web-breakers and disruptors with particle cannons. No (R15.1C) technology restrictions. BS SSD is as per general SSD; except W1 is Ph-4, W2 is Ph-3, W3 is WB, W4 is void. BS upgrades to Seltorian BTS (R15.15)
VUDAR: The BS is as per general SSD but use the weapon data from the BATS (R17.32): a single IC, a pair of Ph-3, replace Ph-4s with ISGs.
"Another Way to Glory" begins in Y166. Each 'Year' consists of two Turns, "Spring" and "Fall". Time advances the in-game calendar by 6 months each time the turn advances. Each 'odd' turn begins a new Year. Where Turn 1 is Y166, Turn 3 is Y167, Turn 5 is Y168, and so on.
Economic points are generated from colony worlds. These Economic Points are spent to supply existing ships and purchase new ones as decided by the player. All other systems will have a EP value determined by the GM before the campaign begins, and will be revealed to the discovering player upon said discovery. Any activated EP are automatically added to the economy of the owning player at the beginning of the subsequent Campaign turn, and will continue to be part of the owners Economy barring Random Events, or enemy military action.
Activating Economic Points are accomplished by the presence of ships or bases with cargo-boxes in the system. Every box of Cargo in a system can Activate 2EP in the system up to the maximum value of the system. It may take multiple Campaign turns to fully exploit a system. There is no limit on the number of units that can perform this job. Once production is activated, EPs flow freely.
You don't need to keep freighters in a system to ship EPs; once the production is activated via freighter, it continues (via cargo shuttles and various small craft that we're not tracking here).
EPs may be sent to allies in trade for services or goods, but these EPs must be shipped by freighter. A freighter can carry 2 EP per cargo box (not bay) for this purpose. In order to trade, a freighter (or other vessel capable of carrying cargo) must load itself down with EPs (as many as the owner wishes, up to the capacity of the freighter and the 'bank' of the owner) and venture forth. When it arrives at a friendly world of a different race, that is interested in trade, it 'sells' those EPs for a 25% markup.
The freighter is not empty of EPs at that time. It must return to a planet owned by the player before the player can retrieve the EPs loaded in the freighter and before the player receives the 25% markup. In effect, the freighter is sent out trade goods and returns with (different) trade goods; the combined value of both grants the player the 125% EP value. Commercial Platforms (ComPlats) may act as a freighter for the owning player for the purposes of trade within the system they are set up in. This allows ComPlats to act every turn for trade, with no need to shuffle-back-and-forth the trade goods.
EXAMPLE: A standard Small Freighter has 25 cargo boxes. It can carry 50 EPs. If fully loaded, carrying 50 EPs, when it arrives at a friendly trade world, it will reap 50 x 1.25 = 62.5 EPs. Note that this is incurred at no cost to the race that the freighter is trading with. If they want to make a profit, they need to send (for example) THEIR freighters to YOUR system.
EXAMPLE: A ComPlat is set up (with permission) in the system of another player and then loaded up with 50 EPs. The ComPlat owner may gain 12.5 EPs of trade every turn that the ComPlat is in operation. However if the ComPlat is ever destroyed, those 50 EPs are lost. If it is ever captured, those 50 EPs go to the new owner.
There is no benefit for simply declaring trade alliances. You cannot trade in large quantities via channels "back home". Gifts/bribes of 25 EP or less MAY be sent if the race you are sending to is in formal contact with you (has been met through contact with thier ships.) The Gifter puts the amount in the "Any Other Expenses" area of their Economic sheet and the other player puts the sum in their "Gift / Trade" section. This tranferrance of funds occurs during the Construction phase of the turn. Anything larger than 25 EPs must be sent via freighter using the above trade mechanism.
Otherwise they act as a SAM does.
Any mobile unit with cargo boxes is eligible to perform "freighter missions". This includes tugs and LTTs, even some police ships. Bases cannot, with the exception of ComPlats (SAMs may not).
• Activating EP production: Freighters are required to 'activate' the Resource Point potential of a new world. A freighter can activate an EP potential equal to its cargo capacity, per turn, per freighter.
• Deploying DefSats: Each freighter can deploy its cargo boxes x2 in BPV in DefSats per turn. There is no limit on the number of freighters that can perform this job. Freighters use actions to deploy DefSats and just pay for the cost. You don't need to "ship them in" from the homeworld.
• Trade
• Transporting: Pod-based Freighters can be used to transport DefSats, ground bases, pods, base augmentation modules and mobile bases. Defsats may be moved in cargo pods. Any other pod, base, or module can only be moved by a pod-based-freighter if the freighter drops the P-CC they normally carry to make room for the item they are transporting. After dropping the item(s) at their destination, the freighter must retrieve the dropped P-CC to continue in other capacities.
There will be a supply cost of 10% of the BPV of all combat units. Civilian ships and fixed defenses such as Bases and DefSats, cost less to supply - they pay a base 5%. See the end of this section for the effects of being unsupplied.
Drone loadouts must be paid for initially, and once paid for, they are replaced every turn for free as long as the ship is in supply. The basic cost of the ship is assumed to cover "slow drones"; upgrades must be paid for, and once paid for, will be replenished thereafter for free as long as the ships are in supply. Later speed upgrades, once available, may be paid for as above; the cost is the difference between the existing drone speed and the new speed.
A True Carrier that is "In Supply" will gain replacement Fighters each turn equal to the (J1.42) listing in the Master Ship Annexes. These Fighters are of the most common type(s) currently deployed on the Carrier. Carriers that field more than one type of fighter (such as most ISC carriers) replace all types of fighters that they carry in the same proportions that they carry them (round the least-common fighter up). Auxiliaries do not get "free" replacement attrition units. All of thier attrition units must come from outside sources. A Carrier that has lost its entire fighter group cannot use this system to 'upgrade' Fighters in any way (but see Attrition Units).
PF tenders that are "In Supply" may gain free replacement PFs equal to 1/6th their carrying capacity. These are standard combat variants, not leader, scouts, or specialty PFs. They may be of an "alternate combat variant", such as a Klingon G1B, Tholian Ar-W, or Romulan StH/Cen, as long as they are allowed in the flotilla the tender is flying by (K0.32) and not "rare" or "unusual".
Legendary officers and Outstanding crew don't count towards supply, as they are awarded only by the GM and cannot be purchased. Klingon Penal Ships can be constructed once per two turns (One per game 'year'), and all relevant rules apply.
In order to be considered "in supply", a world must be able to map a safe route back to the homeworld. This route may go through the player's own systems and through territories owned by players who have declared themselves allied to the player. It may not go through territories that are unowned or are owned by players who have not declared themselves allied to the player. The 'free' supply convoys in the game only have so much range, and cannot traverse enemy territory to ferry the EPs collected back home.
In order to cut the line of supply to a world, all possible avenues back to the homeworld from the world in question must be blocked. Note that unexplored territory must be explored before it can be used as a line of supply - unexplored systems cannot extend a line of supply (you don't know what may be there).
IF a supply line is cut, and there is no other available line of supply, the following restrictions occur:
A world that is no longer 'in supply' may collect, but may not ship back home, EPs. It may spend EPs on supplying ships that may likewise now be cut off from the homeworld; on Repair; on fixed defenses such as DefSats or base upgrades. It can also spend EPs on construction via a shipyard that is present in the system (if any). Any unspent EPs may be 'banked' and sent to the homeworld once Line of Supply is reestablished (either be re-conquering the disputed territory or charting a new route). EPs could also be sent back to the homeworld via escorted and/or armed freighter convoys, which might be able to fight their way through; however this may take several turns depending on the distance involved and is not risk-free. Note that in this case, the freighters do not actually have to reach the homeworld, they must simply reach the nearest world that is connected to the supply chain. If the planet is subsequently captured, then the EP that are banked locally are also captured.
Ships that are cut off from supply must either draw their supply from a world to which they can trace a line of supply, or else remain unsupported until such time as supply can be re-established. However, it is possible to 'load down' a freighter with EPs, using the procedure for Trade (2 EPs/cargo box), and simply draw supply from that pool of points until it is exhausted. The owning player must still provide these EPs.
Units that are unsupplied (by opponents' actions: units may not be voluntarily unsupplied) have several strategic limitations. Such units cannot perform freighter missions, shipyard duties, surveying of systems and laying of navigational beacons. Unsupplied warp gates do not function. Any unsupplied unit may not move except through a (supplied) warp gate. During combat, any unsupplied units will suffer the effect of Poor Crews (G21.1) for the duration of being unsupplied. Once supplied, the normal crew quality of that unit takes effect. Any expendables (drones, psuedo-torps, shuttles) will not be replaced. Ships that are out of supply will also have a lowered weapon status and are less likely to detect a random encounter (and more likely to draw one). Warp-Gate-Travel can only be part of a supply line if both warp gates are in supply (without resorting to Warp-Gate-Travel) and if neither warp gate is used for travel to some other system.
Example: Warp Gate B is on the opposite side of the map from the homeworld. Warp Gate B is attempting to be a supply line for a local fleet. In order to accomplish this, Warp Gate B must be able to pull it's own supply costs through a local supply grid (such as a nearby freighter with the required amount of EPs in it's hold). Then Warp Gate B and the Homeworld Warp Gate may open up a supply line between themselves to supply the rest of the fleet. Niether gate may pass units to any other gate, since they may only connect to one gate per turn (as per Navigational Beacons).
Units may be mothballed at any base or shipyard that is in supply. Mothballing a ship removes it from the order of battle. A ship must remain stationary in the system if it is to be mothballed. The ship is docked/stored in such a way that it cannot participate in combat. However, it draws no supply and incurs no penalty for not being supplied in terms of attracting random encounters. Note that non-attrition units remain at the system they were mothballed at and will be destroyed if the system is captured. Activating a mothballed ship occurs during supply and said ship may be available for combat (but not movement) on the same turn. It takes 1 turn of stationary status to place a ship into mothballs, and 1 turn to return it to service from mothballs. So, placing a ship in mothballs means it will be out of action for at least two turns. Units MAY be constructed directly into mothballs if desired.
Attrition units that are mothballed may be unmothballed at any base or shipyard that is in supply. This represents the fact that they may be transported by an empire's logistical network, without actually being moved by ships on the Fleet Manifest.
Ships (including various attrition units) are constructed in Shipyards, of which there is an initial allotment included in all Fleets.
Shipyards come in Small and Medium sizes and large, as described in the Campaign Designer's Handbook. Small Shipyards can built SC4 or smaller units, while Medium Shipyards can build SC3 or smaller. Large shipyards can build SC2 or smaller. Each shipyard can build one Ship per Campaign turn, ordered at the beginning of the Campaign Turn, being delivered at the end of the same turn. Once begun, construction cannot be halted short of destruction of the shipyard or a Random Event.
Large shipyards have a few extra rules associated with them for these campaigns. Medium shipyards (MCDs) cannot upgrade to Large Shipyards (LCDs), though Small shipyards (SCDs) can be upgraded to MCDs. Only one SC2 hull per empire can be in existence; the LCDs provide a mechanism to replace lost dreadnoughts and the like. LCDs take 2 turns to produce a SC2 ship, but produce anything else in 1 turn (as other shipyards do). Units which can be assembled into a SC2 hull without the use of SC2 shipyard spaces and without being a conversion or refit of another unit, are excepted from the rules regarding SC2 hulls (this largely affects some Tug configurations that can become SC2 units).
Shipyards cannot move, unless they are Magellanic Asteroid Shipyards, Jindarian Asteroid Shipyards, or Seltorian Construction ships (Hive Ship, et. al.), in which case they can move, but cannot move and build in the same Turn. Shipyards can be constructed at new locations assuming that there is an active Mobile Base, Operational Base, Base Station or Battle Station already present. A standard Small Shipyard costs 150EP while a standard Medium Shipyard costs 300EP. SSDs are available in the Campaign Designer's Handbook, or on SFBOL.
All shipyards are affiliated with an Empire, and may only produce Ships of that Race, as well as any General units as defined below. A shipyard may be converted to produce ships of the owning Race over the course of a single Campaign Turn. Such a conversion costs no EP, nor can that Shipyard produce any units during that turn. A Shipyard cannot produce racial units of a different Empire, only those of the owner. Thus, a Lyran Shipyard in the hands of the ISC cannot produce Lyran ships, but must be converted to being an ISC shipyard or else be limited to producing general units.
Warp Gates (R1.C4) can be built (200EP) and moved around, offering a unique strategic movement opportunity that is described in Movement. Warp gates can be produced only at the homeworld. If the campaign has no SC2 shipyard facilities, then warp gates may be built from MCDs as a special exception. Construction of a Warp Gate takes a shipyard slip. In the case that you have conquered another Empire's 'Homeworld', then that system also counts as a 'homeworld' for Warp Gate construction.
The campaign is using a different Warp Gate SSD than what is found in the Campaign Designer's Handbook. Instead take an FRD appropriate to the race that "owns" the warp gate and replace all repair and cargo boxes with batteries. These batteries are hit on the same internal as the original system. (Yes, that means that these warp gates have 82 batteries. Establishing an artificial wormhole to another gate takes alot of momentary power.) For empires that are not defined on the FRD weapon table (e.g. Andromedans), the moderator will provide the appropriate substitutions.
In order to supply a shipyard with the EPs necessary to construct a ship, a line of supply able to provide that many EPs (or a system itself) must exist of that value. Alternately, EPs could theoretically be stockpiled over several turns in a system with a shipyard to allow construction.
The GM reserves the right to limit any construction on Conjectural, Impossible, or Unbuilt Variants and any other unusual units. Please check with the GM before building such units. Building such units without permission can result in... unfortunate things happening to them. Units from the captain's logs MUST receive GM permission before being constructed. Prototyped ships may not be built early.
General Units (R1.0) are available to all races from the normal Alpha Octant (and simulator races). Auxiliaries (variants of the various Auxiliary Cruisers, such as freighter troop transports. Not freighter variants, such as exploration freighters), Monitors, Skids and ducktails, and Skiffs may not be built.
Ships under construction within a system must be ordered at the beginning of the turn, as usual. Their build location must be recorded & revealed to the GM with the submitted orders at the beginning of the Turn, and in the event the shipyard is lost that turn, the points for construction (or the incomplete ship, depending on how you view it) are lost. Ships arrive at the end of the turn at the appropriate yard.
Attrition units (Fighters and PF's) can be built to unlimited numbers (within the constraints of available EP) at shipyards without taking any construction space. Fighters can be built alongside their Carrier and Gunboats with their PFT. Carriers that are built with a full compliment of their Fighters get their spare Fighters available to them as well for free (see Supply Costs), and are the most common type of fighter(s) for that Carrier. Carriers are not otherwise supplied with free Fighters, nor are they required to have them - although obviously Carriers are better with their fighters than without. Note that Auxilliaries do not get "free" attrition units.
Bases (including ground bases) have the limited ability to build their attrition units as well - they can construct 1/6th its attrition-unit capacity (through inherent spaces and/or Augmentation Modules) per turn (round up). A Base may only build attrition units it is capable of using, and is not free. The attrition units produced by Colony Planets is cumulative with this rule.
To upgrade a carrier or tender to a different attrition unit (say, going from Stinger-1s to Stinger-2s or Ceturians to Starhawks), The carrier/tender must go in for a refit. The empire pays the cost of purchasing and replacing the new attrition unit at the rate of production allowed for where the refit is occurring. The "old" attrition unit is taken off the carrier/tender but remain at the location of the refit unless moved or mothballed. Attrition Units may be refit (such as going from F-18s to F-18Bs, but not F-18s to F-14s) in a similar manner to recieving drone-speed upgrades (see Supply Costs). If the carrier and attrition-unit-group is in supply, then pay the difference between the refit and non-refit EBPV costs. This covers the costs of ready racks in the carrier, as well.
Mega-Fighters can be produced, but are limited to one Squadron per five True Carriers in operation. An attrition-unit ground base (such as a PF ground base) or an Orbital base (such as with a pair of Hanger Bay Modules), but not a hybrid carrier (such as a Hydran warship except for (R9.N4) carriers), count as a single "Fully-Capable Carrier" for this purpose. Mega-Fighters must stay in the same squadron - no squadron can mix Mega and non-Mega Fighters, and no Carrier may have more than one Squadron of Mega-Fighters attached to it.
In cases of mixed squadrons (as found on Klingon C8Vs or Kzinti CVAs which have six torpedo fighters and six superiority fighters in a single squadron), the mega-packs can be applied to all 12 fighters of the mixed squadron. Many Romulan carriers can operate their fighters in mixed squadrons containing half torpedo and half superiority fighters, and can apply the mega-packs to such a squadron. Most ISC carriers operate mixed squadrons of one torpedo fighter to two superiority fighters and can apply the mega-packs to the entire squadron (but not to both squadrons on a CVA).
If the carrier operates an oversized-squadron, the entire squadron can be designated as mega-fighters as an exception to the limit of 12 fighters, but an empire can never have more than one oversized squadron of megafighters in operation.
The Federation Third-Way allows that if the Federation player declares at the beginning of the Campaign that they will forgo the construction and deployment of Gunboats, they may use additional Mega-Fighter Packs on their Heavy Fighters (being the F-111 and A-20). Half of such squadrons can be equipped with Megapacks and none of the fighter squadrons count against the Mega-Squadron limit.
Bases and shipyards can be upgraded by paying the difference in cost between the initial unit and the upgrade, including all refits already on the unit. This takes the same time as normal ship construction, and if the unit is destroyed during the Turn, the extra EP spent on the upgrades are not refunded. Mobile Bases or Operational Bases can upgrade to Base Stations and Base Stations to Battle Stations. There are no Starbases, War Bases, Sector Bases or other equivalent units.
Bases may be upgraded at the rate of 1 "step upgrade" per turn. The upgrade order is: MB, BS, BATS (Starbases are not allowed in this campaign). Bases may be upgraded from the early-years version to the "normal" version or "normal" to X-tech versions as if they are a "step upgrade." The upgrade is completed during the Freighter Actions step; if attacked while undergoing upgrade, they fight at their current, lower level. If destroyed, any points invested in upgrading are lost.
Mobile Bases can be constructed in a Shipyard of any size; both pods count as a single SC4 unit. They can be moved by Freighter(s) or other legitimate modes of transportation as described in their own R-Section to another system where they can be setup into an active base on the turn of arrival.
Additionally, a Mobile Base can be constructed on a planet in place of the Ground Bases allowed to a planet. In this case, the two pods of the MB would take the place of the two allowed Ground Bases. A Freighter would still be required to set it up, as large bases (MBs and the like) may not be ground-based. It is legal to partially construct a Mobile Base (each pod will cost 1/2 of the whole). A partial MB pod is treated as Cargo for all purposes, including damage. This is an option in case the Planet or Empire cannot afford the MB in one turn.
Mobile Bases may be "broken down" by freighters/tugs during the Freighter Action step (this takes 1 turn). DefSats may be delivered via freighter, tug, or cargo ship. Freighters use actions to deploy DefSats and just pay for the cost. You don't need to 'ship them in' from the homeworld, or other construction yard.
An important thing to remember about moving MBs around via freighter is that the pods take the place of the normal cargo pods the freighter would carry, which will limit its ability to perform freighter actions until it retrieves the cargo pods from where it left them to tote the MB.
SAMs may be built, and have some utility in combat and in repair; but do not count as a true "base" for the purposes of repair for this campaign. Once built, a SAMs may later be moved like any pod, allowing them to be shuffled along the frontier as it expands and shifts. A SAMs counts as 1 "pod", not including any modules it may be fitted with. See SAMs and ComPlats for more on civilian bases.
Only one Base may be in any given system and that base must belong to the 'owner' of the system; there is no limit to the number of Shipyards that can exist in a system. For security reasons, all shipyards will be near the Base, or if no base is present, all together. Civilian bases (particularly CPLs) are an exception, in that they may be set up in a system where the base-owner is not the system-owner (with permission from the system owner, or else the base will cause an encounter and might be destroyed the next time a mobile unit enters the system.)
When a base is set up, the range at which it orbits the planet must be declared. The range available is between range 2 from the planet's atmosphere to range 8 from the planet's atmosphere (radius 2-8 from the hex of a class-M planet, radius 5-11 from the center of a radius-3 gas giant). A player may also designate a base not orbitting, but must still provide a location for it. This cannot be changed once set.
A planet may produce two ground bases per turn on its own. Any number of ground bases (up to per planet limits) may be placed if built elsewhere and brought in by starship. Planets cannot build anything until some of it's economic potential has been activated by a Freighter or other cargo-bearing unit.
Pods, augmentation modules and packs are treated as ground bases, and take the place of one during construction (allowing up two items to be built). The construction of 3 single-space fighters or 1 heavy-fighter, bomber, or PF can take the place of constructing one ground base.
Throughout this document, references to BPV (Base Combat Value) of a unit actually mean to use the Economic BPV of the unit. Only when determining whether or not a unit fits under the BPV Capacity of a flagship is the Combat BPV of a unit used.
These may be performed on a ship at any base or shipyard. Refits require 1 turn, during which time the ship may not leave the system where the refit is being performed. If attacked while undergoing refit, the ship may participate in battle, but will not have the refit in place. All such refits, of course, must be paid for.
When a ship is constructed with refits already in place, they must be noted on the ship in some manner, either by using the accepted notation for such refits, or by flatly stating their presence. In case of confusion, consult the GM, who will provide all players with a notation list.
The Klingons can perform one "k-refit" per turn until Y175. The Romulans may perform one "plus-refit" on a SP hull per turn until Y175. This includes refits of existing ships, or ships built with the refit in place. After those years, there are no limits to the number ships that may get such refits.
Certain "Zero Point Refits", such as the Hydran Fusion Holding Refit can occur 'in the field' with no facility in the same system. To do so, the ship cannot move from the system while performing the refit, and at the end of the turn, the improved system is now installed. If a "Zero Point Refit" occurs in a system with a shipyard, or other Repair facility, then the refit occurs at the beginning of the turn when orders are handed in, and the ship is free to act as normal that turn with the refit already in place.
See Supply Costs for upgrading drones. See Attrition Units for upgrading fighters.
Conversions may be handled at any shipyard (not bases) that could construct that size vessel, requiring one turn. The cost of the conversion is the difference between the old version and the new. Conversions that do not change the economic BPV of a unit (or those that lower it) cost no EPs, only time in the yard.
The Conversions allowed are as per the F&E SITs. 2-step conversions are allowed to occur in one turn. If your race does not have an F&E SIT (such as the Peladine) then consult the moderator before attempting a conversion.
Note that converting (or refitting) a ship at a yard has no impact on its use to construct new hulls. A yard may convert 1 ship per turn regardless of any construction it is performing. A yard may convert a second (additional) ship if it forgoes construction for that turn.
HDW Option Boxes, Iridani or Romulan Ship Modules, and Base augmentation Modules may be "swapped out" at any yard or base. This does not require a full turn; the unit must simply be present at the yard or base during the repair phase to receive the conversion. To truly convert or refit such a unit it is treated like any other unit and must spend the full time.
In order to utilize this modularity of modular ships and Base Augmentation Modules, the new modules must be purchased and constructed. The prior modules then remain at the yard/base until picked up or moved to another unit. Likewise, tug pods must be purchased and constructed. However, Tugs do not need to spend any extra time in order to load and unload pods.
'Fortifications' is the general term that is applied to all static defenses around worlds that cannot move, such as orbital and Ground bases. Fortifications may be built around or on colonized worlds and only the 'owner' of a system (the one receiving EPs from the colony) can purchase or build fortifications for it. These fortifications will require tugs and/or freighters to deliver and/or set up. Freighters use actions to deploy DefSats and just pay for the cost. You don't need to 'ship them in' from the homeworld, or other construction yard.
Bases may be upgraded at the rate of 1 "step upgrade" per turn. The upgrade order is: MB, BS, BATS (starbases and sector bases are not allowed in this campaign.) The upgrade is completed during the Freighter Actions step; if attacked while undergoing upgrade, they fight at their current, lower level. If destroyed, any points invested in upgrading are lost. If MBs are not available in the current year (e.g. before Y140 for most empires) then no MB needs to be built before building a BS, but it takes two turns to build the BS. Naturally, early-years analogues or X-Tech analogues are treated the same as the "general war" era units above.
Example: In Y175, a large freighter can carry into a system an MB that was built in a neighboring system. It spends the current turn setting up the base. The following turn, the freighter stays in the system to upgrade the MB to a BS (and it is present at the time that construction begins.) The player spends the difference of EP costs between their MB and BS, and the BS is present at the end of the turn.
Example: It is Y125 and a player wants to build a BS in the system. A freighter begins the turn in the system (so it is present at the time the construction begins.) The player spends the full cost of the BS on the first turn (there is no MB present to reduce the cost.) The first turn ends and the second begins with the freighter still present. At the end of the second turn, the BS is finished and the freighter is free to move on the following turn.
Ground bases can only be set up on a planet, moon, or large asteroid; they do not orbit or otherwise "float" off of a large stable surface. Defsats may only be set up around something that can be orbited: Planets or moons, not asteroids. "Large" bases may not be set up as a ground base (P2.7) and there can be only one in any system at a time.
The campaign uses all optional base rules of (R1.1G) except for the Shuttle Deck rules (R1.1G5). Similarly, any fighters replaced with Admins (or other shuttle types) in HBMs do not count as "native" shuttles for the purposes of using them as Wild Weasels. This also applies to carriers who replace (at the cost of 2 commander's option points each) fighters with Admins to fill empty bays, or keep a fleet under BPV limits. Such Admins do not count as "native shuttles" for the purpose of using them as WWs.
All races can build an analogue to the Mobile Base, which can only be transported and set up by tugs, LTTs or freighters. In addition to being upgradeable, it will reduce the chance/effectiveness of random encounters. In addition, ships that are too damaged for self-repair must be overhauled "in the yard" and a Mobile Base qualifies for this duty if equipped with a Repair Pod or Module.
Mobile Bases may be "broken down" by freighters/tugs during the Freighter Action step (this takes 1 turn). Note that it is legal to deploy a MB in a system during the Freighter Actions step of the turn the towing unit arrives. An important thing to remember about moving MBs around via freighter is that the pods take the place of the normal cargo pods the freighter would carry, which will limit its ability to perform freighter actions until it retrieves the cargo pods from where it left them to tote around the MB.
It is possible to build a Mobile Base (which is in effect two specialized pods) on a planet. After being constructed, and possibly moved to a new system, it still requires the presence of a tug/freighter to "set up" the base when it was completed - even if it is to be set up at the system it was constructed at.
SAMs and ComPlats may be built, and have some utility in combat and in repair; but do not count as a true "base" for the purposes of repair for this campaign. Once built, these bases may later be moved like any pod, allowing them to be shuffled along the frontier as it expands and shifts. These bases counts as 1 "pod" each, not including any modules it may be fitted with. Neither base can be upgraded to a Mobile Base.
These bases may be set up in a system that is owned by someone else (this system then becomes a "Shared System"). This is the only exception to the "only one base per system" rule. Bear in mind that the owner of the system must give permission to set one of these up, since the bases will be in close proximity on the same combat map. ComPlats have a use in trade and SAMs can be used to increase the defense of a system (note that they can mount BAMs) under different circumstances than mobile bases.
Ground bases may be shipped via tug or freighter. They may also be constructed on-world. Planets of all types are limited in the number of ground bases they may have. Systems may possess no more than six (six total, not one of each) direct fire or seeking weapon ground bases (ground bases who fit the general pattern of GBDP, GMB, or GBDD, including AGBT and GHD, but not the GPS or GMS.) Systems may have no more than one fighter, bomber, PF, or GPC ground base (i.e. only one attrition-unit base). In addition to that, a system may have up to three ground-warning stations, and six garrison bases. A system may have as many GMS, GSO, GSA, and similarly "Barely armed" ground bases as they care to build, but such do not contribute economically to the system.
A planet may produce two ground bases per turn on its own. Any number of bases (up to per planet limits) may be placed if built elsewhere and brought in by starship. Ground bases cannot be upgraded. They can only be scrapped (25% rebate) and rebuilt. A player must have possession of the planet in the post-combat step to complete this construction. Any incomplete ground bases under construction on a planet when it is taken by enemy forces are lost (as are the EPs spent to build them). The new owner of the planet does not capture the incomplete facilities.
Packs, pods, and augmentation modules are treated as ground bases, and take the place of one during construction (allowing up two items to be built). See Colony Planets for the construction ability of colonies.
Note that tugs or freighters, following (G14.74), may move small and medium ground bases. In order to use a freighter for this purpose, it must be purchased, as all of the "free" freighters are busy keeping your fleet supplied and your economy on its feet. These bases may be deployed during movement without any penalty to the deploying unit.
The Tholian Web is a special case for Fortifications. The following rules do not apply to Web laid during a scenario, but rather to Web constructed prior to combat and maintained over Campaign turns to supplement the defenses of a system. They are ordered as part of the Empire's "Construction" for the turn, but as clarified below, do not use up any construction capacity from Shipyards or the planet itself.
For the purposes of this campaign, "Zero-Strength" Web is not allowed. To set up a "Fortification Web", there must be units in the system that can legally lay the web should it be done during a scenario. This means that there must be at least one Tholian ship with a functioning Web Generator, and a legal anchor (Either another Tholian ship (not base) or a Web Anchor). A Web Anchor may be purchased for 25EP each and have a supply cost of 10% per Web Anchor. Web anchors show up in encounters as large asteroids. Once in place, a unit with a Web Generator (which can be a large base) must stay in the system to maintain the Web. If there is none, the Web dissolves at the end of the turn, and must be reconstructed.
In addition, the Tholian must pay 1EP for every 2 hexes of web constructed and to maintain it each turn. Thus, a 12 hex circular web around a planet would require 6EP spent to construct it, and 6EP every turn thereafter for supply. Web also costs BPV points in an encounter and count as a Tholian 'unit' for BPV purposes in the case of mixed-Empire fleets.
Units are not "Shared", in the sense that units are not ever "borrowed" by an empire that was not the unit's builder or ever co-owned by two empires. It is more appropriate to consider such units as "gifted away" or more rightly considered "captured peacfully". In the same thought, systems cannot be co-owned or shared. A "Shared system" is one that has civilian bases in it, since civilian bases can only be set up in a system where the civilian base owner is not the system owner. Players wishing to share the proceeds of a system must convince the system owner to gift to the other player an appropriate amount of cash on a turn-by-turn basis. Note that the gifting of cash may need to be handled as a trade.
To gift a unit or system to another player, the original owner (the player doing the giving) notes the fact that they are gifting the unit/system to a certain player/empire. On the same turn, the player recieving the unit/system puts the unit/system on their orders in the appropriate place. At the end of combat for that turn, the unit/system is treated as if the new owner had captured it from the original owner. When systems are gifted, any non-civilian bases (orbital and ground bases) in that system must be gifted as well or be destroyed. Any civilian bases that belonged to the new owner in that system must be gifted or be destroyed. Note that Shipyards are treated as orbital bases for purposes of gifts - only the new owner of a system is allowed to have them in that system.
Units will be deployed and moved in secret, with movement orders sent to the GM only. The only time other players will know where your units are will be if the results of movement create an encounter, or if you are in contact with them diplomatically and inform them.
Travel in this region of space takes time. Space in this area is "dirty"; it is filled with debris, nebulean clouds, spacial anomolies, and other hazards to navigation. As a result, travel between systems includes many course changes and an iron-clad map of where the safe places to travel are. This places an emphasis on exploration and careful travel.
As mentioned earlier, Warp Gates may be built. Any Warp Gate can provide a direct connection to any other Warp Gate owned and controlled by the same race. Movement via Warp Gate must be noted as such in Movement Orders. Any Warp Gate can send to any other warp Gate, but may only connect to a single other Warp Gate during a Campaign Turn. For Example; Alice has three Warp Gates in Systems A, B and C. She wishes to send a fleet from A to B, and does so during her movement orders. Because A and B are connected this Campaign Turn, warp Gate 'C' cannot connect to either during that Campaign Turn. The next Turn, new connections can be created, or old connections severed. A warp Gate cannot connect and move between systems itself in the same turn. You can move an inactive Warp Gate through another Warp Gate.
Exploration will play a major factor in this campaign. Each new system is a resource to be exploited, a friend to be made, or an enemy to be conquered. Scout ships are key in exploration due to their enhanced sensor suites; hence why every race in this campaign should start with a fair number of Scout ships. Scout ships will have bonuses in the amount of information they glean from surveying a new system, and in addition will have less chance of being lost in in 'blind' expeditions. Ships other than Scout ships will have a fair chance of being lost on 'blind expeditions'. Scout ships may not find what they are looking for immediately, but they will not become permanently lost (barring unfortunate encounters)!
Only Scout vessels may detect and map routes to unexplored systems. Note that scouts are required to map an unexplored route, even between two explored systems. If a scout is exploring a system and has an encounter, it must survive the encounter in order to perform the survey of the system and it's outlets.
FTL (warp) travel in this unstable region is dangerous. That's reflected in the fact that, without a Scout, ships warping to unknown systems have a fair chance of being 'lost'. Even WITH a scout, this possibility exists (although it is much less likely, and 'lost' units will probably not be permanently lost).
In order to move to a system, it must have been explored and mapped or else it is treated as a 'blind expedition'. Attrition units may not travel independently, as they lack the range to travel long distances.
Note that it is not possible to bypass systems; ships must travel through, and will be forced to engage other warp-capable starships or face destruction. However, fixed defenses and sublight units can be bypassed by simply "skirting around". This does not claim the "bypassed" system, but the units may continue to their objective. However, random encounters can still occur, potentially forcing you out of "high warp" down to combat speeds.
In this way it is possible to 'bypass' an outer layer of defenses to get at a nearby system. However first you would have to explored the system being bypassed and have explored the path to the nearby system. Systems cannot be explored from the fringes, nor may adjacent routes be mapped from the fringes.
While exploring, or moving about the sector, encounters may result any time the player forces enter a system with either another player race OR a random encounter OR a neutral, NPC race. The results of these encounters will ultimately depend on the players, but here are some guidelines the GM will be operating under. Note that the language below (e.g. "unknowns") applies to unfriendly or neutral parties. It does not apply when encountering a player's own units or units from an expressed ally.
Players have several options for how they interact with their neighbors. When interacting with unknown parties (neutral or randomly encountered groups), both parties will be treated as if under "normal relations" (see below.) Player groups may increase or decrease friendly relationships between themselves by giving orders to engage in treaties. In the case of a friendly treaty (one that reduces aggressions and reduces the number of encounters between them), both players must give orders to engage in that treaty, or else the player who does not may be the cause of "misunderstandings." Also note that treaties take effect the turn after the order is given.
• NORMAL RELATIONS: This is the default relationship between players and anyone else they encounter. Encounters will be generated anytime their units come together. However, ground combat will not occur and thus systems may not be captured. Additionally, bombardment of facilities will not occur.
• NON-AGGRESSION TREATY: One step more positive than normal relations is an agreement not to shoot at eachother. Encounters will not be generated between parties who share this treaty.
• PEACE TREATY: Each player may move their units through the other's systems as far as they can stay supplied.
• ALLIANCE TREATY: With this treaty, a player will supply the other's units.
• DECLARATION OF WAR: With this, a player will be able to assault and bombard the other's systems. When one player makes this declaration, the other player automatically gains this.
Combat will be resolved using Star Fleet Battles. The map will be a fixed map 75x75 hexes across; the scenario type will depend on Terrain. The "defending" units generally set up 49 hexes from two map edges and 26 hexes from the other two map edges, and the attackers generally show up on one of the distant map edges. Multiple units on the same side must set up no more than 5 hexes from eachother (furthest to furthest).
Outstanding Crew and Legendary Officers may be awarded by the GM depending on the combat outcome. Note: This does not necessarily favor the victor. A losing force that does well against overwhelming odds before retreating might very well gain bonus officers/ crew. Rule (S2.27), Stalemate, is in play; note that only 'hostile action' can extend the clock (running over your own T-bombs or shooting your own shuttles won't do it).
The previous campaigns used the Fleet Command Rating (FCR) system from the Campaign Designer's Handbook. In the interest of simplicity, we have decided to eschew that system and go with "BPV Capacity" system.
Compare the Command Rating (CR) of the ship commanding the fleet with the below chart. This is the BPV capacity of the flagship. The combat BPV of the fleet, including the flagship itself and any attrition units, cannot exceed this amount.
CR 10 | 1800 BPV |
9 | 1400 |
8 | 1000 |
7 | 1000 |
6 | 1000 |
5 | 600 |
4 | 400 |
3 | 250 |
Total the Combat BPV of the units in the fleet. This includes the BPV cost of the commanding unit, any attrition units, and most fixed units. Use the Economic BPV of scouts and civilian ships (FT, Freighters, Auxilliaries, etc..) instead of the combat BPV. Shipyards and Warp Gates do not count towards the fleet BPV cap, but must participate in the combat if present. If this total exceeds the BPV capacity of the flagship, then some units must be left out of the encounter.
All fixed installations that could be in the encounter, must be included in the fleet. If this violates the BPV cap of the flagship, units must be removed until what remains will fit in the capacity of whatever flagship remains, including removing attrition units (see Carriers). If there is no way that all of the fixed units can fit, then some fixed units are made inactive (as per (D18.1), but with no chance of activation) until the BPV total is under the capacity. The owner of these units chooses what is removed or made inactive, and does so before the scenario is set up.
For each different size-class 4 or larger base-hull-type (DD, CA, etc... See the F&E Ship Information Tables (SITs) ) that is included in the fleet, add 50 BPV to the capacity of the fleet. Note that only mobile naval warships give this bonus. Defsats, civilian ships (APT, FT, etc), POLs, Bases, attrition units, warp gates, and so on, do not. Also note that it must be a different base-hull-type to qualify for this bonus. So (for example) a Romulan fleet cannot gain this bonus several times for having a SeaHawk, a K4, and a Snipe (all three are frigate hulls). Such a case would count as having three frigates and worth (at most) one bonus.
So a fleet commanded by a Federation CC (CR 9, BPV cap of 900) that includes several DWs and several DDs would gain this bonus twice, for a total BPV cap of 1000. Whereas a fleet commanded by the same Federation CC that contains only CAs would have not gain this bonus at all, leaving the BPV cap at 900 (the Federation CC is listed as a CA hull, thus not a distinct hull from the Federation CA).
A True Carrier (noted as such in the Master Ship Chart) must initially field at least 75% of their fighter group without restriction (As per S8.221). Casual Carriers (including Hydran Hybrid Carriers that are not (R9.R4) "True Carriers") are not under this restriction. A carrier that experiences fighters losses as a result of combat does not have a penalty.
Fighters can be voluntarily left out of a battle in order to keep a fleet under the BPV limit, either by leaving them off-map or by crating and storing them on the ship. Such fighters cannot later join the battle. Fighters left off-map are considered destroyed if no carrier survives to transport them. Fighters that are left out of the battle also have their ready racks and/or reloads crated as well. For example, you cannot put HBMs on a base, crate the fighters to save points, buy Admins with CO's points, and have 12 scatter packs on the base.
Players may escort their carriers under the Flexible Escort Rules of (S8.315) or use the historical escorts listed in G3. A carrier's escorts must be paid for in BPV, even if the escorts are not present! The most-recent legal escort group is used to determine what escorts are missing from a carrier. Escorts present, but without a carrier to escort, pay DOUBLE their normal BPV cost.
Pre-laid web counts at 5 BPV per hex and begins the scenario at strength 0. Web laid during a scenario costs no BPV for the duration of the scenario, but is removed once the scenario is done. This rule is in place to prevent player from laying web during a scenario to avoid paying for it on the strategic scale.
Additionally, web may not be laid during the first turn of an encounter nor may web be reinforced during the first turn of an encounter. Web Casters may cast web (E12.21) normally on the first turn, but are limited when functioning as Web Generators per above.
In the case of mixed-empire fleets, one player must provide the flagship for the other player(s). In those cases where ships from more than one player are engaging the ships of another player (such as the case where two or more fleets are allied together to attack another player's system), the empire providing the flagship must also contain at least 50% of the fleet's BPV. This applies to fleets containing captured units and to fleets which are operating as part of a combined (i.e. multi-player) fleet. It helps the moderator if the players are clear on their orders who is providing the flagship and which ships are being excluded from thier portion of the final fleet.
PFTs (or any unit with casual PFs) pay for every PF in the scenario, regardless of whether they are used during the combat or not. To prevent the PFs from being counted towards the BPV Cap, they can be left off the map entirely as with carriers.
PFs may be included in a battle without their "home" ship, unlike fighters. The BPV of the PFs count against the flasghip's CR, but the home ship does not. See also independant strikes.
In the event of a scenario where no orbital bases or ships are present (only a planet and ground bases), inhabited planets (with some EPs activated) are assumed to have a "flag" rating of 3.
It is occasionally possible for a monster to join the side of some empire. When the monster is thus under the control of a friendly fleet, the monster's rules don't always apply in the same way that is given in the scenario that spawned the monster.
Monsters Always:
• Move in the direction given by the controlling player.
• Do not have to use their weapons when the opportunity allows.
• May change speeds (C12.34), accellerate/decell (J1.22), perform emergency decelleration (J4.13), and make tactical maneuvers (J4.11) like fighters.
• If they can HET then they HET like fighters (J4.12), but it does not break tractors.
• May not move in reverse.
• May only control seeking weapons that they launch.
• May not accept or transfer control of seeking weapons.
• Any damage received during a battle is healed during the repair step, regardless of the facilities at monster's location.
• If the monster cannot be fired upon at a given range, then seeking weapons cannot track the monster at that same range. Though the seekers can still track on the monster if they are inside a range the monster can be fired upon, even if the controlling unit is outside that range.
• Ignore the effects of EW to their weapons.
Monsters Usually:
• Ignore the effects of cloaking devices or similar devices to their weapons.
• Are affected by mines, ESGs, and other "area effect" devices.
Monster Effects:
The Planet Crusher
• Maximum speed of 6. TM is 1. May not HET.
• May not be fired at beyond a range of 6 (SM1.45)
• May be held in a tractor beam. Has a movement cost of 12 and 10 negative tractor (SM1.46)
• Has a weapon with a maximum range of 6. Damage is per (SM1.48). It may fire once per turn, but not within 8 impulses of the previous firing.
• Is destroyed after receiving (BPV x 1.6) damage.
The Moray Eel
• Maximum speed of 12, TM is 1, May HET.
• Once per turn, the Eel may move 6 hexes in a single impulse (SM3.45). This movement must end in the hex of an enemy unit and that unit must be "fired at" by the Eel on that impulse. This movement may occur on an impulse the Eel does not move. If it occurs on an impulse the Eel does move, then the normal movement of the Eel is superseded by this movement.
• May not be fired at beyond a range of 6 (SM3.48).
• May not be held in a tractor beam.
• Has a close-in defense system (E6.0).
• Has a weapon with a maximum range of 0. Damage is per (SM3.46) and ignores shields and PA panels. It may be used once every 4 impulses.
• Is destroyed after receiving (BPV x 1.6) damage.
The Sun Snake
• Maximum speed of 3, TM is 1, May HET.
• May not be held in a tractor beam or displaced.
• Has a weapon with a maximum range of 5. Damage is per (SM5.45). It may be used once every 8 impulses.
• Is destroyed after receiving (BPV x 4) damage.
The Space Dragon
• No change from (SM7.46)
The Starswarm
• BPV 15 ea.
• Maximum speed of 15, TM is 1, May HET.
• May not be held in a tractor beam.
• Is affected by natural ECM. Has 3 built-in ECCM. Is not affected by cloaking devices.
• May not identify seeking weapons, contrary to (SM12.464): They have no way to communicate their findings.
• Has a few weapons as per (SM12.463)
• Has a 10 pt shield and is destroyed after receiving 5 damage. See (SM12.465).
The Banshees
• BPV 15 ea.
• Maximum speed of 32, TM is 1, May not HET. Always moves after shuttles and fighters.
• May not be held in a tractor beam. May not be damaged by ESGs or explosions. Will not set off mines.
• Has a small target modifier of +20 ECM at ranges 5+. Has 51 ECM against all seeking weapons.
• Has a weapon with a maximum range of 5. Damage is per (SM13.4523). Note that the maximum range has been reduced.
• Is destroyed after receiving 12 damage.
Space Boar
• BPV 90 ea.
• Maximum speed of 27, TM is 2, May not HET.
• May not be held in a tractor beam. May not be damaged by terrain. Will set off mines.
• Has a close-in defense system (E6.0).
• Has a pair of weapons with a range of 0. Damage is per (SM18.452). Both weapons must attack the same target. It may be used once every 4 impulses.
• Is destroyed after receiving 200 damage.
• No more than one SFG and/or Mauler ship can be present in any fleet.
• No more than one SWAC may be present in any fleet. Those ships which historically carried more than one, has the subsequent SWACs crated up before the battle. (E-2s and E-3s are used interchangably here, and only one total may be used)
• (E11.17) PPD restrictions must be followed.
• (E12.16) Web Caster restrictions must be followed.
• Command ships and leader variants use (S8.36)
• Tugs: Use (S8.46)
• Drone ships use (S8.47) except are limited to one per fleet. Those ships that qualify under (S8.47) but recieve G-racks or ADDs (e.g. some escorts) are instead limited to three per fleet.
• No more than 12 ground bases are allowed in each system. No more than one of those ground bases may field attrition units.
• No more than one large base is allowed in one system and it may not be a ground base. Exception, see "Sams and Complats".
• Mines may not be used in any battle, except for T-Bombs purchased with commander's options and except for Romulan ships that have or purchase NSMs - and then only one NSM per ship.
PFs may make "independent strikes" away from their home platform. Only fully-formed flotillas of 1 leader, 1 scout, and 4 combat-variant PFs may perform an independent strike. As an exception, the entire flotilla (and any fighters carried on Fi-Cons) is covered by the command limits if operating alone. The home platform of the flotilla must be in the same system as the battle the flotilla is participating. However, the tender may be "on the outskirts" of a system while the flotilla fights in-system (or vice-versa, in the case of a sally). The PFs still count for BPV purposes if part of a larger force. A PF scout cannot explore a warp lane or a system like a full-fledged scout.
Fighter's may not make independent strikes. Their home platform must be present in the combat the fighters are participating in. Note that Fi-Con PFs may carry fighters (if there are fighters already carried in the fleet) on an independent strike.
Units that disengage must proceed to friendly territory. If the current is system is not friendly at the end of the turn, those units must spend the next movement phase (on the following turn) moving back to friendly territory. They can always return the way they came regardless of the status of territory. Note that as the ships do not actually move until the following turn, the system they retreat to may be decided at that time.
Players cannot 'retreat' to advance. This applies to ships "cut off" behind enemy lines as well as allied forces trying to reach an allied race. These units may not retreat to any system that is further from that player's homeworld than the system they are retreating from. A player's units can always retreat back to the system they moved from (even if that space is held by the enemy and even if it is further away from their homeworld.)
Example: System A is 3 jumps away from the attacker's homeworld. If the attacker retreated from the fight at that system, they either retreat to the system they most-recently moved from, or to a neighboring friendly system that no more than 3 jumps away from their homeworld.
As covered in the SFB Rules, ships may disengage by sublight evasion. However ships that do so are in full 'retreat mode'. They are under the following restrictions:
• They remain in the system 'on the outskirts', hiding and running. Ships that are trapped 'on the outskirts' of a system cannot be used for any purpose, including Intelligence Gathering. They are also 'out of supply' until rescued by a warp-capable ship (for the purposes of battle readiness only).
• Such a rescue mission cannot be used to 'link up' with an attacking fleet in order to coordinate an attack.
Freighters and auxiliaries may not use sublight disengagement!
Damaged units will result from combat. Units can be repaired at friendly bases and shipyards or in space, depending on their status. A unit may repair up to the limits listed in (D9.4) Campaign Repairs if it is in supply. This is "Operational" level repair and assumes supply chain access. A unit not supplied that turn may only use (G17.132) "Tactical Repairs", which is more limited.
At a base or yard, ships may use (U1.4) "Strategic Repairs". Repairs do not cost EPs, with the exception of replacing dropped (not destroyed) warp engines, destroyed sections (booms, etc..), or pods. In those cases, the cost is 1 EP per box (for warp engines) or the cost of the ship minus the value of the surviving section.
Armor may only be repaired at any base. Lost sections can only be replaced at a shipyard of the appropriate class. Dropped warp engines may be replaced at any yard or base.
Repair ships, a MB without a repair module/pod, and a SAMs equipped with a repair module/pod, do not count as a "base" for the purposes of repair, but may repair 1 box on a damaged ship during the repair phase for each "repair" box they possess, per turn. These repairs are in addition to the (D9.4) or (G17.132) repairs allowed for the ship on its own. They CANNOT replace dropped warp engines or missing sections. They CANNOT repair DamCon tracks.
Captured bases and yards can fully repair themselves during the repair phase as normal. However, they cannot repair other units (of any race) on the same turn they are captured. This is regardless of their damage status.
In order to actually capture a planet, ground assault is required. This will require shuttles and/or ships; to this end, players should plan to construct or deploy Commando Ships when trying to capture a planet or facility.
Ground Assaults will be resolved using D15.0. Note that in most cases you will want to purchase garrison bases with marines to help defend a world (and your investment). The base number of boarding parties present at each GCL is equal to the DEVELOPED value of the world, divided by 10. Thus, a world worth 50 EPs has 5 BPs at each of its six Ground Combat Locations. Obviously ground bases and garrisons may provide more.
The only way to purchase additional ground troops, vehicles and such forth is to purchase a ground base. Obviously a GMG is the most efficient way of doing this. As noted under the ground base rules, above, you may purchase one GMG per hex side facing. Once purchased, a GMG may use its Commander's Options to build more troops/armor/etc... Note that other ground bases may buy additional troops as well, up to 10% of their BPV in CO's. Only GMGs may purchase additional forces beyond 10% of their BPV, up to the limits allowed by Annex #6.
Actually seizing a station or orbital facility will be handled using SFB boarding combat.
Retaking captured friendly planets is easier than conquering an enemy planet. When undergoing such operations, the 'liberators' gain a +10% bonus to their assault factor. This obviously does not apply to planets that have been bombarded and rebuilt; and it will not apply to slightly developed worlds that are conquered and then fully developed by the attacker (the attackers greatly outnumber the conquered at that point). When in doubt, the GM will make the call and suffer through the usual bout of whining (which he will ignore).
If the players so choose, as long as it does not delay the campaign, they may attempt to resolve Ground Combat through the use of "Star Fleet Assault".
For campaign purposes, each planetary body (which includes Gas Giants, though in SFB terms, they have more than one hex-side) has 6 GCLs. One GCL is located per hex-side and ground bases can only be placed on one hex per side. This means that to capture a colony intact (i.e. without the loss of activated or maximum EP generation), the aggressor must engage (and succeed) in ground combat at all of those 6 GCLs.
To avoid ground combat, the aggressor may elect to bombard a colony or do nothing (both will blockade the colony for the duration that units hostile to the colony remain overhead). Failure to capture a colony will have the same result as if the aggressor did nothing (the planet will have it's military available again to repel ground assaults for the next turn.)
Bombarding the colony will reduce it's activated EPs (which will reduce the number of defending BPs at each planetary GCL) and will likely reduce the maximum EPs the system will produce (not only are you destroying the mines, but you are destroying some of the things worth mining). Any talk of destroying GCLs actually means bombarding the colony, though no GCLs are actually "destroyed" (every planet has 6 GCLs, even those with 1 EP activated)
If an aggressor is attempting to capture a colony where there was no encounter generated (i.e. they already had it blockaded and nobody sent ships in to break the blockade. This assumes that no ground bases have survived), then the planet is only defended by the marines given by the campaign (10% of the activated EPs, rounded naturally) and the aggressor only has the BPs normally assigned to the ships they are using (nobody has COs for extra BPs). Any extra marines from previous campaign turns cannot not be used.
It is not possible to fully blockade a system from the fringe of the system. While you may be able to intercept arriving ships, they are always free to retreat in-system at the first opportunity (a few shots may be fired). Further, cargo shuttles are too small (and can vary their route somewhat) as to avoid pickets, so a fringe picket does not cut supply. On a similar note, systems cannot be surveyed from the fringes, nor may adjacent routes be mapped. In short, the system must be 'swept' of all enemy combat units to be considered interdicted.
If the homeworld is interdicted, you cannot collect EPs from it. You would collect EPs from the other systems but not the homeworld. Note that a system with a surviving base is NOT counted as being interdicted. You can't just park in the far corner of the system, avoid the Battle Station, and declare it interdicted. You must sweep the system of enemy units, down to the last DEFSAT.
No high-warp pursuit is allowed: This includes trying to 'warp out' after fleeing ships. The only way to 'high-warp pursue' some one is to warp out and move strategically after them, and the combat will happen the following turn in the system of arrival.
It does not prohibit INTERCEPTS (where two fleets passing in high-warp can encounter each other). But simply said, high-warp pursuit is not done and will not be. A ship that has disengaged out has DISENGAGED, it is not an excuse to "hunt 'em down and kill them", or break every combat into two or more additional battles as people try to retreat and others don't want to let them. Ships that disengage from battle must move during the next turn back towards friendly territory.
In the case of two fleets "leapfrogging" each other, there may be a warp speed intercept. The larger the fleet(s), the more likely an intercept will occur. In the event of an intercept, a battle may be fought "between systems". If one side retreats, the other has the option of following back to the system of origin. If one side is victorious, it has the option of continuing to the system of origin. In these rare cases, two battles may be generated for a fleet in one turn.
A fleet that retreats from the "in between" open space battle may join the defending forces at its origin point (if any).
In the event of battle damage in the first battle, damaged units may perform EDR and CDR before the second battle; they may not perform campaign repairs, nor are expended munitions replaced.
There will only be, at most, two rounds of battles in a system; multiple retreats into a system will be handled simultaneously.
Note that if your scout is destroyed during a warp speed intercept, and you are advancing down an unexplored route, you will not be able to advance without it counting as a "blind expedition".
This will get you uninvited to all the proper diplomatic functions. However, it is possible to bombard a planet with a war fleet in conjunction with, or separate from, a planetary assault. Unlike an Assault, which is concentrated on suppressing resistance and controlling the population, this procedure destroys infrastructure, kills civilians, and generally undoes EP development. These EPs can be re-activated via freighter once the planet has either been seized, or the developed EP value reduced to zero (bombed back into the stone age). The amount of EP damage inflicted is roughly 10% of the Combat Value of the attacking fleet. There is a chance that some permanent EP reduction damage will be inflicted (e.g. destroying the ores along with the mines.)
Planetary bombardment requires sustained fire over a period of days or weeks or it is ineffective, just like normal natural catastrophes do not normally affect game play (unless a specific random event that counts as an encounter). This rule does not apply to some Monsters, who can inflict damage on a planet during a scenario.
During battles, some ships or bases may be captured using marines. Such units are retained by the capturing race, which must repair any damage by spending time at a base or yard (this also unlocks the ship's weapons). Capturing a unit does NOT allow the capturing race to magically use the captured ships' weapons on any ship in their fleet; however they may maintain the weapons on that unit (with some difficulty).
Items on the captured ship that the new owner cannot build themselves (such as drones or the kind of fighter carried) are unreplaceable once they run out. SSD boxes of foreign technology may still be repaired but not reloaded. Captured carriers may be escorted by the new owner's normal escorts (within the escort restrictions of the carrier rules). If the original owner has declared the new owner an ally, then the unit may be supplied with unreplaceable gear (drones, fighters, etc) if it is in supply and there is an unbroken supply line between the original owner and the captured unit. In this case, part of the money spent in supply of the captured unit is used to purchase replacements from the original owner.
Setup: (At start of campaign)
Collect Resource Points:
• The home colony automatically generates its points.
• Interdicted worlds stockpile their EPs.
• Freighters pick up or drop off thier cargo. Pod-based Freighters pick up or drop off their pod-like cargo.
• Other worlds send the points they generate via supply lines to the destination for the EPs.
Place construction orders: Request ship(s) and/or fighters, or other things you spend money on.
• Pay supply: Unsupplied ships suffer penalties this turn.
• Payment to Orions occur.
• Webs-as-fortifications are laid.
Move ships: Ships have a range of 1 system.
• Ships may elect to continue in transit if a known location lies beyond but spend the turn traversing subspace.
• Ships may travel via Warp Gate.
Encounters and Combat occur:
• SFB combat occurs.
• Ground combat occurs.
• Survey systems using Scout ships.
Conduct freighter missions:
• New construction Pods, BAMs, and Ground Bases are delivered
• DefSats are deployed.
• New bases that are completed this turn are deployed.
• EP activation occurs.
• Orion contracts expire.
Conduct Repairs: Deficit spending may be used to pay for this (and only this) but must be paid off next turn immediately. Ships with missing sections can only be repaired at a facility (Civilian Base or above)
• New orders are completed at shipyards.
• Updated maps are sent.
• Communications are processed
The spreadsheet the players will recieve is laid out into five different tabs. There is the 'Fleet Manifest', the 'Economy', the 'Systems', the 'Notes', and the 'Computation'. The 'Fleet Manifest' tab contains the ship information, including the ship class, name, location, and any notes on individual ships. The 'Economy' tab records builds, refits, conversions, and tracks how many economic points the player has spent and has available. The 'Systems' tab tracks the systems the player has seen, any notes on those systems, how ships in that system will react to other players, and what the fleet composition is that will meet those other players. The 'Notes' tab is for notes the player wishes to make that aren't tied to a ship or a system. The 'Computation' tab is not to be messed with, as it provides the 'units in system' and 'BPV total' information seen on the 'Systems' tab.
It is important that the players don't add tabs, add frames, make parts of the various sheets hidden, or have cross-linked or coss-referenced cells (beyond what is given already). Such items will not help the moderator process your orders, and may succeed in confusing the moderator. Confused moderators may end up moving your units in ways you don't wish, build things you don't want, or decide that the player's encounters will give them as much of a headache as the player gave the moderator.
In a similar vein, those cells that have a yellow background are derived by the spreadsheet itself to help the player and the moderator. In some cases, they pull information from other parts of the spreadsheet for easy reference. In other cases, they do some of the math so that the user can see at a glance what the situation is. It is important that these yellow cells are not edited.
Included here is the spreadsheet for a fictional race for example-purposes. Note that the moderator really only cares about the entries on the first three tabs, and will most likely ignore what is found on the 'Notes' tab. Also note that all BPVs on the spreadsheet are in the Economic BPV of the unit, except use the Combat BPV of most ships (see Command Limits) when determining if a unit fits inside the Flagships BPV Capacity.
Note that the warships are seperated from the non-warships and fixed installations, even though they seem to have the same information. This is because warships have a higher supply cost than most everything else. As stated in the headings of those sections, Bases, civilian units, and fixed installations have a lower supply cost than warships. Tug pods and BAMs also belong to the fixed-installation list.
Column A is where the unit's class-designation goes, such as "CA" or "BATS". In the case of fighters and PFs, it is permissable to group together units of the same organizational group (such as a squadron or flotilla) as long as they are all identical. As shown in the example, the whole PF flotilla is grouped together. Contrasting the PFs, there are two types of fighters on the carrier and each type receives it's own row.
Column B is where the units are named. Players don't need to name pods and BAMs, but please name those units which can operate independantly (ships, tugs, bases, etc). Not only does this look good when encounters are handed out (i.e. "The Restitution encountered a mind monster in the Applejacks system"), but it helps identify units if there is a problem or other situation away from the public eye.
Column C holds the economic BPV of the unit. Column D holds the BPV increase for drone upgrades. The supply costs and commander's options are calculated from these two columns. Column F contains the BPV Capacity of the unit if they were to be the flagship in an encounter. Column H holds any notes on the unit, such as Legendary Officers on board, unrepaired battle damage, any attrition units that are crated up before battle, and if it is unsupplied.
Column I holds the initial location of the unit. This is where the unit was at the end of last turn. If a unit had an encounter at that location and retreated, then it's initial location is still that system (you are required to give it's movement for the current turn as where it is retreating to). Note that the entry in this column must match the column A entry in the 'Systems' tab (including capitalization).
Column J is where the unit is moving to. Like the Column I entry, this must match the column A entry in the 'Systems' tab (including capitalization). This needs to be filled in, even if the unit is moving.
At the bottom of the sheet is an entry for "Total BPV". This is automatically calculated from the BPVs given throughout this sheet. If this number differs from the similar number on the 'Systems' tab, then a unit here probably has one of it's location entries misspelled (or missing).
The 'Economic Worksheet' section tracks the health of a player's economy. Row 4 is where the last-turn's excess EPs go (the 'New Bank' (row 11) entry from the previous turn). 'Available Resource Point Production' is what is generated from the player's systems (Auto-generated. Leave alone). Supply Costs are calculated from the 'Fleet Manifest' tab (Auto-generated. Leave alone). 'Points from ships left unsupplied' is where the player totals up the supply costs of those ships that are unsupplied (by accident or on purpose) and enters the total rebate. 'Deficit Spending' is only allowed for repair of units. 'Trade/Gifts' is for when a player recieves gifts from other players and the "interest" from trade. 'Total Production Expenditure' is how much the player spend on construction, refits, and conversions this turn (Auto-generated. Leave alone). 'New Bank' is how much is left over to start next turn with (Auto-generated. Leave alone).
The 'New production' area is where the player notes any new units (ships, attrition units, ground bases, web-construction, etc..) they wish to build. Please note the class designation and the name of the new unit in column A. The build cost goes in column B, and the shipyard or colony where it is being produced is in column D. Column C is for any notes the player might have, such as what drones the unit is being built with.
The 'Any Other Expenses' area is where the player notes conversions, refits, and so on. This is for those things that don't neccesarily have a location.
Column A contains the system name. This is the name used when moving ships to and from the given system. If a system has not been named (usually because the player knows there is a warp lane going there, but has not visited it yet), then use either the cardinal direction ("north", "east", "south-west", etc..) or an approximate degree-of-rotation with true-north being 0° (270° would be "west", 45° would be "north-east", etc..). The point is that a player does not need to have an accurate heading, but needs to be clear about their intentions.
Column B contains notes about the system. This includes any system-wide terrain features, the maximum EPs the system will produce (in parenthesis), what orbit(s) any bases are in, and anything else worthy of noting about a system.
Column C contains the activated EPs. These are the economic points that the system is producing at the start of the turn. Note that you need to be recieving EPs from a system before you can say you own it, before you can build bases there, and before you can build fortifications there. Also note that there is an upper-maximum for each system. This maximum can change throughout the campaign (usually through the results of encounters) as well as the currently activated levels (through freighter missions or encounters).
The posture of all units in the system is recorded in column D. Even if you do not own the system yet have ships travelling there, record a posture for your units. This posture will be used if there is an encounter when your ships arrive or if they are intercepted along the way.
Column E contains a list of units that are in the system at the start of the turn. This is provided for informational purposes so that the player and moderator can see at a glance what is present in a system. If they player gives movement orders for a unit, then that unit will be listed in the system they are moving to. Do not edit the contents of this column.
Column F contains the BPV of all the ships listed in column G. At the bottom of this column is a total of all the BPVs. If this value is different than the "total BPV" in the 'Fleet Manifest' sheet, then a ship was probably missed in movement. Make sure you spelled the system name correctly in column I or J of the Fleet Manifest.
Column G is like Column E, in that it lists all the units in the given system. But this is a list of units that end their movement in this system. This is the list that most encounters will draw their forces from.
Column H is where the player notes which unit is the flagship for the fleet and whatever units are not participating in any encounters drawn in this system. If this is not filled in, then the moderator may have to do this for the player. In that case, the moderator may decide upon a fleet that the player did not intend to field.
Below the System section of this tab, a player can list those players they are allied to. Units from any power listed here will be treated as if they were greeted with an "open" posture. If the allied power does not list the player as an ally, then an encounter will occur as if the player was in an "open" posture, rather than the posture they listed with the system.