By Frank Lemay


Players explore and navigate a map comprising a maze of interconnected systems via warp lanes. At each system is one of three types of planets – a life planet, a mineral planet, and a dead planet. Each world is in a sector of space defined by a 60x60 closed map. Players that encounter each other in a particular sector of space must fight.

All players begin with a certain amount of BPV to build their starting fleet. Mines generate additional BPV each year, which may be used to build new units, refit units, and supply units. As each player begins with only a single mine, exploration of the map is required for victory.

A player wins the campaign if the player has the highest Victory Points end of Y205 (or other agreeable end date) or has eliminated every other player !


The strategic map comprises a group of planets interconnected by a maze of warp lanes. Each planet is in a sector of space defined by a 60x60 closed map known as a planetary system. The only means for traveling from one planetary system to another is to use the warp lanes. Many different maps may be used, though a sample map is provided below.

Figure 1: Sample Map


The sample map shows a number of features, including planets, warp lanes, and player counters. Unless otherwise provided, all fleets, ships, expendables on units, mines, colonies, fortifications, and Fleet Repair Docks ( FRD ) are secret from all players. Movement is secret. Fleet composition at time of battle is public knowledge.


Four planet types are shown: Life, Mineral, Dead, and Unknown. Life planets are shown as Earth-like. Mineral planets are shown as having rings. Dead planets are shown as being rocky. Undiscovered planets are shown as featureless blue. Rules governing each of these types of planets are provided under ( EaW 18.0).


Each warp lane bi-directionally connects one planetary system to one other planetary system. A warp lane connects to a planetary system only if that warp lane terminates at a planet shown on the map. Intersecting warp lanes have no effect on movement; a fleet may not cross lanes. Each planetary system has at least one warp lane terminating at that planetary system. The color of a warp lane has no effect on campaign play. Warp lanes are permanent, fixed, and cannot be altered in any way. The only method of traveling between planetary systems is through these warp lanes.

It costs one movement point to travel 1 warp lane unless a free movement is used, ( EaW 5b).

Exception, see ( EaW 15e) and ( EaW 17e).1


A number of counters are placed on the map. Each counter represents a FRD, a development, or a fleet. A development may be a mine, a colony, or a fortification. A fleet contains one or more ships. A FRD is a player’s key asset, and is one place where units may be built and introduced, see (EaW 6.0) and (EaW 15.0). Developments and Fortifications are not Public Knowledge. See (EaW 5e)

Player movement orders and Navy composition are secret, however Fleet composition (except ship’s COs) is revealed to all for all battles.

Fleets will be represented with a CBpv indicator on the Galactic Map.


Campaign play proceeds according to the following SEQUENCE of PLAY ( SOP ):

  1. Setup

  2. Resolve New Year Events

  3. Spring Turn

All Players secretly plot Movement

      1. Resolve All Combats

      2. Post-combat Resolution

  1. Summer Turn

All Players secretly plot Movement

      1. Resolve All Combats

      2. Post-combat Resolution

  1. Fall Turn

All Players secretly plot Movement

      1. Resolve All Combats

      2. Post-combat Resolution

  1. Winter Turn

All Players secretly plot Movement

      1. Resolve All Combats

      2. Post-combat Resolution

  1. Advance Year and Return to Step II.


Each player begins with one FRD located at a mineral planet. The mineral planet has a mine development already in place.

Each player receives 2000 BPV to build units and to supply those units with drone upgrades and or commanders options.

Unused Bpv is added to the Empire ’ s treasury at campaign start.


A player may build ships from one chosen race only and from one of the following group of races when building fleets.

Group A > Federation, Gorn, ISC, Peladine, Romulan, Paravians ( See Special Note re Paravians at end of Rules )

Group B > Federation, Hydran, Klingons, Kzinti, LDR, Lyran, Tholians

If Orions are used, Group A Orion Cartel is Stardust and Group B Orion Cartel is Daven

Players decide which group they wish to use. All players pick from the same group but cannot have 2 races the same. Units from other races may not be used.


Each player must initially build exactly six fleets. Each fleet must contain at least one Size Class 4 ship (see EaW 17.0) and the Fleet Combat Bpv (CBpv) no greater then 600 CBpv, See ( EaW 17.0) and no less then 175 CBpv.

The minimum 175 CBpv restriction, the 6 Fleet limit and the SC 4 ship requirement apply only at start of campaign.

Each fleet must obey the rules provided in (S8.0), which provides a wide assortment of restrictions on what units may appear in a fleet. Each ship in each fleet is purchased using that ship ’ s Economic BPV. Any drone and Plasma speed upgrades, Outstanding Crews must be purchased with the initial 2000 BPV. The requirement to have six fleets is only imposed during initial setup.


Subject to year, a player may purchase any unit from their chosen race from Module G3, Modules R1 to R12 and the Peladine Web site located atwww.peladine.com. Any ships built from a Captain ’ s Log book is subject to GM approval.

>>>>>> Unless otherwise agreed, the starting year is Y165 by default <<<<<<


A player may buy 2 Outstanding Crews maximum (1 SC 3 ship and 1 SC 4 ship) which cannot be repurchased if the ship is destroyed. A player may buy any number of Poor Crewed Ships on SC 2, 3, 4 ship if they wish. Does not apply to Orbital bases, FRD, fighters, PF ’ s, INTs and ground bases.

Experience Points (XP) for ship ’ s crew (does not include PFs and Ints) will be kept track of using a simplified version for calculations. The winner of the battle will gain XP and the loser of the battle will lose XP based on the formula below.

Using S2.21, convert the VP gained into XP gained based on the ships CBpv % of the entire Fleet CBpv

Example, a CA worth 150 CBpv in a 600 CBpv fleet will get 25% XP of the total XP gained from the battle.

Also a DD in the same fleet above with a CBpv of 90 will get 15% XP of the total XP gained from the battle.

The losing side of a battle will lose a percentage of the winning side XP gained.

Example, The winning side scores a total of 400 XP divided by all ships in the winning fleet. All ships on the losing side will lose 400 XP divided by all ships of the losing side based on the ship ’ s CBpv % of the total CBpv of the losing fleet.

Destroyed ships take their share of XP with them to their grave.

At end of every Campaign Year, the GM will roll for a LO using SFB chart G22.111, if successful, the ship receiving the LO will be randomly selected from all ships that were involved in battles in current year completed.

The value of the LO must be paid for immediately. An Admiral cannot choose to decline the LO.

If a ship has more then 1 LO onboard, the value of the highest ranking LO will be added to the ships total Combat Bpv.

If a ship receives an identical LO, the 2ndLO rolled for is lost.

If a ship has a LO onboard ( or more then 1 LO ) AND an Out Standing Crew, the highest value between the OC or 1 of the LO ’ s will be added to the ships total CBpv.

>> A Legendary Captain may use his bluff ability in a battle, the Legendary Captain ’ s entire Fleet except ships that are tractored by the enemy shall be considered as disengaged regardless of the current battle situation.

EXCEPTION, see ( EaW 21b) and see (EaW 17.0). NOTE> This over rides SFB rule G22.21


Fighters and other attrition units may be purchased, though the player must pay Economic BPV for these units.

The combat Bpv of all fighters/INTs/PFs must be included in the Fleet max Combat Bpv. See ( EaW 17.0)

When lost, they are replaced by paying the Economic Bpv again. A carrier that purchased a full complement of fighters will get spare fighters for free and can dip into its spares to replace lost fighters until it is re-supplied.

Lost fighters, PF ’ s, INTs must be replaced at a Developed Colony or at a FRD location.

EXCEPTION ; Hydrans can replace lost fighters in step EaW 3b but must pay the Economic Bpv for the fighter(s).


The following New Year events occur during this step:

  1. BPV from mines ( EaW 3c & EaW 14.0), Colonies ( EaW 14.0) and Dead Planets( EaW 14.0) are generated and received

  2. All ships that disengaged during the previous year reappear at destination FRD and re-assigned ( EaW 21f)

  3. All players re-supply under ( EaW 3b).


Any technological upgrades available for that year, including ship types, fighters, and PF, refits, plasma and drone speeds are available to players for purchase during “ Players Secretly Plot Movement ” in steps III, IV, V, and VI in ( EaW 2.0).


At the beginning of each New Year, all players simultaneously re-supply all units in all fleets regardless of the Fleet location.

Re-supply includes the following:

All units replace used expendables, including but not limited to drones, shuttles, T-bombs, booster packs, pseudo plasma torpedoes, HET bonuses and other forms of expendables. No player may change the type of expendables on any given ship during ( EaW 3b); instead, changing the type of expendables must be performed during a player turn during “ Players Secretly Plot Movement ” in steps III, IV, V, and VI as described further under ( EaW 8.0).

Legendary Officers killed in action are not replaced.

> Each ship regenerates its capacity to perform self-repairs under ( EaW 22b). Thus a player may perform self repairs in a Fleet ( on a ship by ship basis ) equal to three times the ship ’ s highest undamaged DAMCON control rating plus unused CDR for one movement point for the entire Fleet.

>> Except for using a movement under ( EaW 6d) to re-supply a ship, re-supply during Step I is the only time that ships may be re-supplied for no movement point.

(EaW 3c) RECEIVE BPV from MINES: ( See also EaW 14.0 )

A player multiplies the number of developed mines that player owns by 100. That player receives the resulting number in BPV. Every player performs this procedure at this point during the sequence of play. This is the only time that players receive income. A player need not spend this BPV during his subsequent seasonal turns. Unspent BPV is accumulated, though a player receives no interest on unspent BPV.


Each player plots their movement secretly and forwards their moves to the GM for processing.


Players resolve any combat generated as a result of movement. Movement is described in ( EaW 5.0).

Each player receives movements based on EaW 5.0 and possibly one or more free movements.


After all combats are resolved, resolve all post-combat resolution events. Post-combat resolution events include conducting post-combat repairs, establishing mines, establishing colonies, establishing fortifications, as well as destroying or capturing mines, colonies, and fortifications.

(EaW 4c) STEP IV- Summer Turn, STEP V- Fall Turn, STEP VI- Winter Turn

Repeat above steps ( EaW 4.0, EaW 4a and EaW 4b) for Summer Turn, Fall Turn and Winter Turn


After the last Post Combat Resolution has been completed in the winter turn, the year advances by one and New Year events are resolved,


A player wins by having the highest Victory Points (VP) at end of campaign or has eliminated every other player !

Victory Points are scored after every battle using SFB Rule S2.21 but using Combat Bpv of ships and fighters etc. for VP calculations instead of Economic Bpv.


Players receive Movement Points based on (Total # of current Fleets)/2 [drop fractions] and possibly one or more free movements under ( EaW 5b). The minimum moves a player can have is 3.

For purposes of this rule, a Fleet is defined as having at least 2 ships with a CBpv of at least 175 CBpv. This does include Fleets in Hyper Space.

If a player forms a fleet (ex; from 7 to 8 fleets), the extra Movement Point will be applied in the next Seasonal Turn.

A movement point can be used to perform one of the following actions:

1- Jump a fleet down a warp lane ( EaW 5a) and ( EaW 5b);

2- Build ships ( EaW 6.0) or Build Ground Bases;

3- Re-supply, repair, and refit a fleet ( EaW 6d) or ( EaW 8.0);

4-Transfer ships between two fleets ( EaW 7.0) or transfer a LO from 1 ship to another ship ( EaW 2e);

5- Scrap a ship(s) ( EaW 9.0);

6- Inspect a ship ( EaW 9b);

7- Develop a fortification ( EaW 11.0);

8- Develop a mine ( EaW 12.0);

9- Develop a colony ( EaW 13.0);

10- Conduct self repairs to a fleet ( EaW 22b), ( EaW 22c)

11- Install ground base(s) or DEFSATS or CPL (EaW 14.0)


A player may move one fleet down one warp lane for the cost of one movement. Thus, a player may move from a first planetary sector to a second planetary sector, so long as the two planetary sectors are connected by a warp lane.

The number of ships in the fleet has no impact on the fact that moving the fleet down a warp lane costs one movement.

Should a Fleet encounter an enemy Fleet traveling in same warp lane, see ( EaW 5c)


If a fleet begins a jump from a developed colony owned by the moving player, then the jump is free. In other words, the jump from the Developed Colony to another system through a warp lane does not count against the limits of ( EaW 5.0).

A Fleet is entitled to 1 free jump per Seasonal Turn and a Developed Colony can use the free jump any number of times.

A player ’ s FRD and MON cannot take advantage of the free jump.


Should a Fleet encounter an Enemy Fleet moving in the same warp lane but opposite direction, a battle occurs in open space and the winner advancing to the target Planetary System. This could result in another battle at the target Planetary System for the winning Fleet !

The winning fleet may have to engage a potential 2nd enemy Fleet in its current condition (after EaW 22.0 is invoked). Shields are repaired and any used expendables from previous battle are spent until re-supplied.

If several Enemy Fleets are moving in same warp lane in opposite directions, then (EaW 26.0) or (EaW 26a) will apply.


In the event 3 or more different enemy fleets enter same planetary sector, the 2 largest fleets will fight first (EaW 26a), then the next largest fleet will fight as per (EaW 26e) and so on.


After all fleets have moved and all battles are completed, Vision Radii will then become effective.

Fleets with Scouts can see up to 1 System and non-scout fleets can see 1 system away.

Information attained. 1 System away

With a Scout If system is Developed and or Fortified, total number of Fleets and the CBpv of each Fleet plus any Pre Laid Webs.

Non Scout Fleet System is Fortified.

CBpv of Ground Bases and Orbital base such as CPL and DEFSATs are not revealed.


A player may build as many ships during any seasonal turn up to the FRD max Docking Points which is 36. Thus, the maximum number of ships that a player can build in one seasonal turn is limited by the Docking Points of the ships built up to 36 and whatever income the player has available.

If an Admiral spends 1 Movement Point for the build, the ship(s), units etc, can be moved in same seasonal turn with any unused Movement Points available.

If the Admiral uses 0 Movement Points for the build ( includes refits and conversions ) the ship(s), units etc can move on next seasonal turn. (This will not count as using up FRD docking points in next seasonal turn. )

Ships with a Dock Point > 36 such as the Fed BB which is 40 requires 2 Seasonal turns to complete construction for 0 Movement Points. A player can use 2 FRD ’ s to complete construction of the oversize ship costing 2 Movement points but only if both FRD ’ s are in same planetary system. The BB can then move same seasonal turn. If the player spends 0 Movement Points when 2 FRD ’ s are in same planetary system, the BB can move next seasonal turn.

Ships pay Economic Bpv and fighters/PF ’ s/INTs/improved shuttles pay Economic Bpv for builds.

Ships built (includes fighters, PFs, INTs, Bombers) move on the next seasonal turn while ground bases, DEFSATs can be moved on the same seasonal turn if additional Movement points available.

>> Each ship receives 10% for Commander Options at no charge based on the Combat Bpv of the ship. The CO of the ship must be listed and stays with the ship until it is destroyed, captured or the ship stops at a developed Colony or FRD Location to re-adjust its CO Level.

>>> A ship with an Outstanding Crew receives CO of 20% at no charge .

A ship can also increase its CO level when at a Developed Colony or FRD Location.

Cost in Bpv ’ s is (ship ’ s total CBpv ) * (Desired Increase/100)

Total Combat Bpv does not include any LO ’ s and Crew Quality BUT does include drone and plasma speed upgrades.

The max CO allowed is 20% of the ship ’ s CBpv.


Fighters, INTs and PFs are not ships under rule ( EaW 6.0). Thus, fighters, INTs and PFs that are purchased with a ship cost no additional movement. Fighters, INTs and PFs are purchased according to their Economic BPV. Fighters, INTs and PFs may be purchased separately in order to be placed and or re-supplied on refitted carriers and PFTs such as from a Developed Colony. In this case, the act of purchasing is considered part of a refit or re-supply action under ( EaW 6d) and so their purchase does not cost additional movement.


All drone and Plasma upgrades and other expendables (such as Legendary Officers, fighters, PF ’ s. Ints etc) must be purchased using BPV. If purchased when a ship is built, purchasing these items costs no additional movement. Thus, building a single CVA with 24 fighters, maximum drone upgrades and a legendary officer costs only one movement.


A newly built ship must be inserted into a fleet at the FRD location where it was built.

Inserting a newly built ship into a fleet costs no movement point.

All new builds are subject to the restrictions of section ( EaW 17.0). Thus, no player may build bases, ships from any race other then their own chosen race, or any other prohibited unit and the restrictions in ( EaW 17.0) must be observed.

If a player is unable to comply with this rule, then that player may not build a new ship.


If a player ’ s fleet is located at a developed colony or FRD location ( see EaW 6.0 ) owned by that player, then the player may re-supply all ships in that fleet for one movement point, and may also possibly repair and/or refit all ships as part of a combined movement order.

Thus, all drones are replaced, all shuttles are replaced, all PPTs are replaced, all T-bombs are replaced, all fighters, INTs and PFs are replaced (as long as the fighter, PF and INTs Economic Bpv is paid for), all crew units and boarding parties lost are replaced, and generally all other expendables are replaced. This action costs no BPV (other then the EBpv cost of fighters, INTs and PFs).

If the ship has an Outstanding Crew on board or a Legendary Officer, any associated costs must also be paid for when the refit/upgrade is applied.

NOTE > Small and or Large repair Freighters can also be used to Repair and or Re-supply a fleet but not Refit a fleet if in same Planetary Sector as Fleet requiring the service. This costs 1 movement point. See also ( EaW 9a and EaW 9c)

(EaW 6e) REPAIR:

If ( EaW 6d) is invoked, then all damage, no matter how severe, may be repaired on ALL ships in the fleet. HET bonuses are restored, shock effects are removed, and generally, all ships in the fleet are restored. This action costs no BPV.


If ( EaW 6d) is invoked, then a ship may be refitted according to any legal refit that is available on or after the current year. The BPV cost to take this action is the difference between the current configuration of the ship and the BPV of the refitted ship, even if the refitted ship costs less or no BPV. Changing modules on a Romulan ship is considered a refit. Refitting a ship costs one movement, though that ship may be repaired and re-supplied as a single combined re-supply, repair, and refit movement order. A refit and a repair may always be combined into a single movement order.

If a ship being refitted has an Outstanding Crew or Legendary Officers, the upgraded difference (not downgraded difference) for the OC and any LO ’ s has to be paid for as well or their abilities are lost if not paid for immediately.


A player may transfer any number of ships from a first fleet to a second fleet. This transfer costs one movement point.


The last ship in a fleet may be transferred thereby disbanding that Fleet.

If any restrictions required for the fleet is violated, including the limit of ( EaW 17.0) and including all of the limitations of (S8.0), then Rule EaW 17g will apply.


A ship may receive any expendables from other ships for one movement order as long as they are in the same planetary system and the current CO level of the receiving ship is not violated. Does include Legendary Officers but not Outstanding or Poor crews.

If the Legendary Officer transfers from its original ship to a new ship, the cost for the LO must be paid again based on the CBpv of the receiving ship.

Tugs can drop or pick up pods for 1 Movement Point per action. If dropped, the pods will orbit and rotate around the planet in high orbit.

Ground bases can be dropped or picked up for 1 Movement Point per action. If dropped, the ground bases are on the planet surface.


Expendables are easily replaced without cost, such as at the top of the year ( EaW 3b) or by performing a re-supply action ( EaW 6d). While re-supplying under ( EaW 6d), but not under ( EaW 3b), a ship may increase its expendables by paying the difference to receive the extra expendables.

The ship can also increase its CO level when at a Developed Colony or FRD Location.

Cost in Bpv ’ s is (ship ’ s total CBpv ) * (Desired Increase/100). The max CO allowed is 20% of the ship ’ s CBpv.

Total Combat Bpv does not include any LO ’ s and Crew Quality but does include drone and plasma speed upgrades.

(EaW 9.0) SCRAP

A player may scrap any number of ships in same Fleet for one movement point.

Scrapping a ship can only be performed at the FRD or Large Repair Freighter location.

The player receives BPV for scrapping a ship equal to 50% of the ship ’ s Economic Bpv to use in the next seasonal turn.

A player may scrap the last ship in a fleet, thereby disbanding that fleet. If a ship is scrapped, its expendables may not be salvaged and is lost.

(EaW 9a) Large Repair Freighter

Large repair Freighters can be used to scrap any SC ship or scrap a FRD if the FRL is at the same location as the unit being scrapped. Also see ( EaW 6d)


Captured ships will need an Inspection done before they can be flown in combat or re-supplied or repaired.

Inspection can be done at the FRD or Small Repair Freighter location and cost 1 movement point for all captured ships in the same fleet.

Inspection includes the full restoration of the inspected ship to full combat readiness and assignment into a Fleet.

Expendables can be purchased at time of Inspection in one combined movement order.

Captured Ground Bases or CPLs DO NOT need to be inspected. If damaged, any fleet can issue a repair order for 1 movement point and the ground bases start producing that seasonal turn and Orbital bases start working next seasonal turn.

(EaW 9c) Small Repair Freighter

Small Repair Freighters can be used to inspect any SC ship if the FRS is at the same location as the unit being inspected.


A fortification is an abstract set of defenses that will delay enemy fleets. A fortification is incapable of damaging enemy units. Nevertheless, a fortification will prevent an enemy fleet from disengaging as per ( EaW 21.0).

Fortifications are used to delay enemy fleets and to protect mines, colonies, Dead planets and the FRD.

A fortification may not be captured.


If a fleet enters a planet containing another player ’ s fortification, then the fleet instantly stops movement.

The fleet is trapped and may not move again until the fleet is released.


A fleet is released if a second fleet belonging to the same player enters the fortification at which the first fleet is present. In this case, the fortification is destroyed during the post-combat resolution phase.

Thus, neither fleet may continue movement after moving into a fortification; however, both fleets are released and may move on the moving player ’ s next seasonal turn.


A fleet is released if that fleet makes a successful “ siege roll. ” A siege roll costs one movement point, though the fleet does not move. A siege roll is successful only by rolling 2D6 and getting a ‘ 7 ‘ result. A successful siege roll results in the destruction of the fortification during the post-combat resolution phase.

Thus, the fleet is released and may move on that player ’ s next seasonal turn. Only 1 Siege Roll per Seasonal turn.

The first Siege Roll attempt can occur on the following Seasonal Turn after the Fleet gets trapped in the Fortification.


A fleet is released if during the post-combat resolution phase of any player ’ s seasonal turn a fleet containing a Minesweeper is present at the fortification. The fortification is destroyed during the post-combat resolution phase. Thus, none of the fleets present at the fortification may continue moving on the moving player ’ s current seasonal turn; however, all fleets are released and may move on the moving player ’ s next seasonal turn. A ship is considered a Minesweeper if that ship is defined as a Minesweeper in the Master Index or elsewhere in the rules for SFB.


A destroyed fortification is removed from the campaign map during the post-combat resolution.

All fleets are released if the fortification is destroyed and can move again on the player ’ s next seasonal turn.

Any Ground bases and or Orbital bases in the system will have to be destroyed or Captured first before the release of the Fleet or automatic destruction of the Fortification takes effect


A fortification that is located at a developed mine, developed colony or dead planet will protect that mine, colony or dead planet from destruction so long as the fortification remains undestroyed. If a fortification is destroyed, then all developed colonies, developed mines are also destroyed during the post-combat resolution phase of the moving player ’ s turn unless the Enemy has a Commando Ship in the attacking Fleet ( EaW 12a and EaW 13c).


A fortification may prevent an enemy fleet from disengaging during combat.

If a lone Fleet is attacking the Fortification, it cannot escape via ( EaW 21a) unless it has a Mine Sweeper ship in fleet.

If 2 Fleets are attacking a Fortification, ships from the 1stFleet can escape (even if no Mine Sweeper present) since ( EaW 10b) applies. However, should the 1stFleet escape, the 2ndFleet will be unable to escape (unless there is a Mine Sweeper present) since there is no 3rd attacking Fleet behind the 2ndfleet helping to destroy the Fortification.

Nevertheless, a fleet owned by the player owning the fortification may still disengage, assuming the requirements of ( EaW 21a) have been satisfied.


Fleets trapped in Fortifications cannot be re-supplied, conduct repairs, transfers or moves of any kind.

Fleet cannot do anything at all of any kind!!


Fleets trapped in Fortifications will disrupt the site. If site is producing income, any income will be reduced by 75%.

If site is a colony, the colony loses its advantages for the owner of the site.


A fleet may establish a fortification ( EaW 10.0) at any planetary site by expending one movement. Establishing a fortification costs no BPV and requires no special ship facilities. Any fleet containing any kinds of ships may establish a fortification.

> A fortification is considered established during the post-combat resolution portion of the moving player ’ s turn. The establishing fleet or the minelayer must remain in the planetary sector where the fortification will be built until the next movement turn.


Minelayers may create fortifications as a free movement. Thus, if a minelayer is present in a fleet, then no movement is required to establish the fortification; however, the fortification is still not established until the post-combat resolution portion of the moving player ’ s turn. For this reason, a player cannot move a fleet in the same turn after issuing a “ establish fortification ” order – even though the order costs no movement.


A fleet may Develop a mine ( EaW 12a) at a mineral planet, and only at a mineral planet, by expending one movement. Developing a mine costs no BPV and requires no special ship facilities. Any fleet containing any kinds of ships may Develop a mine. Mines may not be moved.

> The mine is not considered Developed until the post-combat resolution portion of the moving player ’ s turn.


A developed mine on mineral planets earns the player 100 BPV per year if the mine has been set up for the entire Campaign Year. A mine set up during the year will receive a percentage of the 100 Bpv. using the chart below.

If a Mine is set up in Spring = 100%; in Summer = 75%; in Fall = 50%; in Winter = 25%

A player may not build ships at a mine unless the FRD is present at Mine Site.

A mine cannot be directly attacked during a battle. Instead, if enemy ships are present at a mine during the post-combat resolution phase of any player ’ s turn, then the mine is automatically destroyed. The destruction of the mine cannot be prevented, even by the fleet that is responsible for the destruction of the mine if no Commando ship is present.

> A mine may be captured if at least one remaining enemy fleet contains at least one commando ship. In this case, the developed mine automatically becomes owned by the capturing player. A ship is considered a commando ship if that ship is defined as a commando ship in the Master Index or elsewhere in the rules for Star Fleet Battles.

Any Ground bases and or Orbital bases in the system will have to be destroyed or captured first before the automatic capture or destruction of the mine takes effect. NOTE, there is no ground combat of any kind taking place, just BP combat at ground base locations in an effort to capture them.

(EaW 12b) LARGE FREIGHTERS for Mine Development:

Large Freighters may develop a Mine as a free movement. Thus, if a large freighter is present in a fleet, then no movement is required to develop the Mine; however, the development is still not Developed until the post-combat resolution portion of the moving player ’ s turn. For this reason, a player cannot move a fleet in the same turn after issuing a “ develop ” order, even though the order costs no movement.


A fleet may Develop a colony ( EaW 13a) at a life planet, and only at a life planet, by expending one movement point. Developing a colony costs no BPV and requires no special ship facilities. Any fleet containing any kinds of ships may Develop a colony. The colony is not considered Developed until the post-combat resolution portion of the player ’ s turn.

(EaW 13a) SMALL FREIGHTERS for Colony Development:

Small Freighters may develop a Colony as a free movement. Thus, if a small freighter is present in a fleet, then no movement is required to develop the Colony; however, the development is still not Developed until the post-combat resolution portion of the moving player ’ s turn. For this reason, a player cannot move a fleet in the same turn after issuing a “ develop ” order, even though the order costs no movement.


Colonies serve various functions during the campaign. Colonies can produce BPV ( EaW 14.0) but may not be moved.

> A player may repair, re-supply, and refit ships under ( EaW 6d) at a DEVELOPED colony. A player may not perform this function at any other type of development.


A fleet may take advantage of a free movement under the provisions of ( EaW 5b) if the Jump originates from a DEVELOPED colony. The player ’ s FRD (and MON fleet) cannot take advantage of the free movement at any time.

A fleet is entitled to 1 free movement per Seasonal Turn.

A player may not build ships at a colony unless the FRD is present at the Colony Site.

>A colony cannot be directly attacked during a battle. Instead, if enemy ships are present at a colony during the post-combat resolution phase of any player ’ s turn, then the colony is automatically destroyed. The destruction of the colony cannot be prevented, even by the fleet that is responsible for the destruction of the colony if no Commando ship is present.

>> A colony may be captured if at least one remaining enemy fleet contains at least one commando ship. In this case, the colony automatically becomes owned by the capturing player. A ship is considered a commando ship if that ship is defined as a commando ship in the G3 Master Index or elsewhere in the rules for Star Fleet Battles.

Any Ground bases and or Orbital bases in the system will have to be destroyed or captured first before the automatic capture or destruction of the colony takes effect. NOTE, there is no ground combat of any kind taking place, just BP combat at ground base locations in an effort to capture them.

(EaW 14.0) EXTRA Bpv PRODUCTION for Colonies, Mineral and Dead Planets.

The following ground bases will receive extra Bpv income based on planetary type.

For every GSA at Developed Colony locations, receive 10 Bpv.

For every GSO at Dead Planet locations, receive 5 Bpv.

For every GMS at Developed Mineral Planet locations, receive 5 Bpv

A Commercial Platform ( CPL ) must be installed within 5 hexes of a planet (choose 1 planet if a Dual Planet is present) in the system for the above ground bases to generate income. The CPL ( and DEFSATS ) are the only orbital base allowed in the campaign.

If the CPL is destroyed, no Bpv is received or generated nor can it be saved until a new CPL is installed. The Bpv is lost until a new CPL is installed. Only 1 CPL per system is required to receive the bonus income. Maximum of 12 ground bases can be installed on a planet in a system. If the system has 2 planets, 24 can be installed, 12 per planet. These ground bases need not be the ones mentioned above.

When a ground base is installed, the facing of the ground base must be recorded.

Same applies for any DEFSATS. Indicate the starting hex which will always be the same at start of a battle.

DEFSATS will rotate around the planet. Max of 5 DEFSATS per planet, if 2 planets are present, 10 DEFSATS can be installed, 5 per planet..

Cost 1 movement point to set up any number of ground bases, DEFSATS and or CPL.

If installed in Spring = receive 100%; in Summer = receive 75%; in Fall = receive 50%; in Winter = receive 25%

Installation of these bases is permanent.

(EaW 14a) TRANSPORTING Ground bases and Orbital Bases.

Any ship with cargo boxes can transport these units at the rate of 4 Economic Bpv per Cargo Box.

Therefore a DEFSAT costing 20 EBpv will require 5 Cargo Boxes to move.

If the Orions are used as a sanctioned race in this Campaign, the rate for them is 2 Economic Bpv per Cargo Box.

This rate does not include any freighters in their service which will receive the rate of 4 Economic Bpv to 1 Cargo box.


A player may simultaneously Develop a fortification and a colony or may simultaneously Develop a fortification and a mine at the same planet in the same turn if there is more than one fleet present. In either case, the player must expend two movements to Develop both as each fleet uses one move to Develop, (unless ( EaW 11a), ( EaW 12b), ( EaW 13a) is invoked). Note that it is impossible under the current rules to Develop both a mine and a colony at a planet.


A FRD is a player ’ s key asset. A FRD cannot create a colony, mine, or fortification. A FRD cannot explore a world.

A FRD is the only means to build and introduce ships onto the Galactic Map.

A player can have more then 1 FRD at any time.

FRD functions are build ships ( EaW 6.0), supply ships ( EaW 6d), inspect ships ( EaW 9b), scrap ships ( EaW 9.0).

A player ’ s FRD is a valid point to conduct re-supply, repairs, and refits under ( EaW 6d).

>> A player s FRD cannot Disengage while involved in a battle.


A player looses their FRD if it ’ s destroyed or captured during a battle. A FRD may be captured and inspected or scrapped by the capturing player.

However, all fleets currently operated by the player remain. All colonies, fortifications, and mines belonging to that player also remain. Fleets cannot re-supply under ( EaW 3b) but can re-supply, repair, refit under ( EaW 6d).

The player continues to play normally and collect income but obviously may not build ships until a new FRD is built.

An FRD costs 200 Bpv to replace, the new FRD can build ships on the next seasonal turn after placement.

It cost 3 Movement Points to build a FRD and place it on the map. The new FRD must be placed in an owning developed Mineral Planet or developed Colony system containing no enemy Fleets. An Admiral can have more then 1 FRD at any given time! This new FRD build does not require a second FRD to build.

(EaW 15c) FRD as a COMBAT UNIT:

A FRD do appear in combat during battles. See ( EaW 28.0)


A FRD builds ships with their expendables. All of the rules of ( EaW 6.0) and ( EaW 17.0) must be followed when building a ship. When complete, the ship will be present in the planetary sector in which the FRD is located, according to the rules set forth in ( EaW 6c).


A FRD may be moved. Moving a FRD requires three Movement Points during a seasonal turn. A FRD may not take advantage of the “ free ” movement under ( EaW 13c) if the FRD is located at a developed colony.

(EaW 15f) Salvage Tug

A Salvage Tug (STG) can move the FRD and assigned MON costing 2 Movement Points

Although the FRD is not part of a fleet per se, the Salvage Tug simply picks up the FRD and moves it.

The combination of the Salvage Tug and FRD cannot take advantage of the Free Movement from a Developed Colony.

(EaW 15g) Military Tug

A Military Tug can move the FRD and assigned MON costing only 1 Movement Point!

Although the FRD is not part of a fleet per se, the Tug simply picks up the FRD and moves it.

The Tug cannot be a Battle Tug but it can have Cargo Pod(s) and nothing else.

The combination of the Military Tug and FRD cannot take advantage of the Free Movement from a Developed Colony.

The Combat Bpv of the Tug is added to the FRD fleet if in combat.


When a fleet jumps into a planetary sector containing an unknown planet, that fleet rolls (if it decides to stay) to determine whether the unknown planet is actually a life planet, a mineral planet, or a dead planet. The fleet also rolls to determine whether a precursor object exists at the formerly unknown world. The fleet must stay the remainder of the seasonal turn to complete the discovery process.


The type of planet and the possible presence of a precursor object are determined by rolling 2D6 and consulting the following table:


Developed mine at a mineral planet belonging to the exploring player. No precursor objects.


Developed colony at a life planet belonging to the exploring player. No precursor objects.

4 to 10

Roll 1D6 to Determine World Type; on a 1-2 the planet is a dead planet, on a 3-4 the planet is a life planet, and on a 5-6 the planet is a mineral planet. No precursor objects.

3 or 11

Roll 1D6 to Determine World Type; on a 1 the planet is a dead planet, on a 2-3 the planet is a life planet, on a 4-5 the planet is a mineral planet, on a 6 is Admiral ’ s choice of undeveloped planet.

In addition, the exploring player receives ten BPV or the exploring player may choose to roll on the table in ( EaW 16c) to gain a precursor object.


If a scout or survey ship is present with the fleet, then the type of planet and the possible presence of a precursor object are determined by rolling 2D6 and consulting the following table:

2 or 3

Developed mine at a mineral planet belonging to the exploring player. No precursor objects.




Developed colony at a life planet belonging to the exploring player. No precursor objects.

5 to 9 

Roll 1D6 to Determine World Type; on a 1-2 the planet is a dead planet, on a 3-4 the planet is a life planet, and on a 5-6 the planet is a mineral planet. No precursor objects.

4 or 10

Roll 1D6 to Determine World Type; on a 1 the planet is a dead planet, on a 2-3 the planet is a life planet, on a 4-5 the planet is a mineral planet, on a 6 is Admiral ’ s choice of undeveloped planet.

In addition, the exploring player receives twenty BPV or the exploring player may choose to roll on the table in ( EaW 16c) to gain a precursor object.

Scout ship is defined as any ship with special Sensors.


NOTE >> The 20% CO option per ship cannot be violated at any time. Any refund will apply to what the ship actually has.


Discover a Legendary Officer (no cost) of your choice and assign to one of the discovering ships.

Rule ( EaW 2e) and ( EaW 17.0) limit applies.


Discover an Out Standing crew ( no cost ) and assign to one of the discovering ships.

Each ship in discovering fleet has their CO Level increased to 20% for no charge.

If the fleet ’ s CO Level is already full , get 20% CBpv from 1 ship ( Admiral ’ s choice ) in the discovering fleet refunded back into your treasury.


Discover Valuable Treasure!

Get 50 Bpv placed immediately into your treasury.


Discover a Size Class 4 ship from the future! Select a ship of same race up to 5 years from current campaign date. Treat the ship as a captured ship until an Inspection is performed ( EaW 9b).


Disaster !!

If no Scout in Fleet, roll 1D6, if result = 5 or 6, one ship as selected by Admiral has the crew transformed into Poor Crew Status ( cannot be a ship that is poor crewed already ), otherwise, no effect.

If Scout in Fleet, roll 1D6, if result = 6, One ship as selected by Admiral has the crew transformed into Poor Crew Status ( cannot be a ship that is poor crewed already ), otherwise, no effect.


When an unknown planet is explored, the map type for that system for purposes of combat is determined by the following.

Roll 1D6 and consult the following table. The resulting map type permanently applies to that planetary sector and is always

used whenever combat occurs in that planetary sector.

Roll for >

Life or Mineral Planet

Roll for >




EaW Solar System Slice,


EaW Star Edge,


EaW Dual Planets With Moons,


EaW Death Map,


EaW Open Space,

(EaW 17.0) RULES GOVERNING FLEETS; (See also EaW 31.0 WEBS )

Fleet size is based on a max Combat Bpv total (FRD, Civilian ships are excluded).

Combat Bpv of the following Ground Bases & Orbital bases are also not included, GSA, GSO, GMS and CPL.

>Effective Campaign start year, each Fleet ’ s Combat Bpv is limited to 600 CBpv ’ s.

The total CBpv of all SC 2 and SC 3 ships cannot be > 450 CBpv during this time frame, even with a LC in fleet.

>Effective Campaign Start Year +10 years, each Fleet ’ s Combat Bpv can be increased to 800 CBpv ’ s.

The total CBpv of all SC 2 and SC 3 ships cannot be > 600 CBpv during this time frame, even with a LC in fleet.

>Effective Campaign Start Year +20 years, each Fleet ’ s Combat Bpv can be increased to 1000 CBpv ’ s.

The total CBpv of all SC 2 and SC 3 ships cannot be > 750 CBpv during this time frame, even with a LC in fleet.

> Combat Bpv includes Drone speeds, Sabot, exchanged shuttles for fighters, Drogues, fighters, PF ’ s, INT ’ s [ see Exceptions in EaW 17b ]

> CBpv includes penalties paid for special ships, such as 2 SFG ships (100 CBpv surcharge ) in same Fleet.

> Cost of Outstanding Crews, Prime Teams and any Legendary Officers is also added to a ship ’ s Combat Bpv.

NOTE; If a ship has a Legendary Officer and an Outstanding Crew, the greater cost of the 2 is added to the ship ’ s CBpv.

> Cost of any Poor Crew Ships is also added to the Fleet total CBpv.

Example; A ship worth 150 CBpv with a poor crew is actually worth 120 CBpv in the Fleet. ( 150 * 20% = -30 CBpv )

>> Combat Bpv does not include items purchased through CO for the ship.

>Each Fleet is allowed to have 1 Large and 1 small Auxiliary ship OR 3 small Auxiliary ships whose CBpv and Size Class designation is not added ( or can be added as the Admiral sees fit ) to the Fleet total CBpv.

However , the CBpv of any PF ’ s, INTs, fighters included with these Auxiliaries must be included in the total Fleet CBpv using Rule EaW 17b and the number of ships is added to the Command Ship CR abilities.

>The CBpv of Civilian ships such as freighters required to do development and fortification etc are not added to the total Fleet CBpv even if the Admiral so chooses but the number of freighters is added to the Command Ship ’ s CR abilities.

NOTE >> If a Fleet has a Leg Captain in it, the CBpv of the fleet can be increased by 100 CBpv over the max limit.


Other then game start, the amount of Fleets present in the same planetary sector is restricted to 3 or less.


PF Tenders and Carriers are allowed under the normal rules governing these units. However, the combat Bpv of the accompanying Escorts, fighters, INTs and PFs are governed by the following guidelines.

The Combat Bpv of the first 6 fighters for Hydrans (if the Hydran Admiral so chooses ) only are NOT included in the Hydran ’ s Fleet ’ s total CBpv. Hydrans do NOT get 6 free Bombers CBpv

The Combat Bpv of the first 3 PF ’ s or INTs for the Lyrans ONLY are NOT included in the Fleet ’ s total CBpv.

The Combat Bpv of all Bombers are included in the Fleet ’ s total CBpv.

The CBpv of all required Escorts is included in the total Fleet CBpv. If a Carrier is missing an Escort(s), the CBpv of the missing Escort(s) is STILL ADDED to the total Fleet CBpv.


All units cost Economic BPV during the campaign, including scouts, attrition units (fighters, INTs, PFs etc )


A ship or other unit may be built at any point during the movement phase of a player ’ s seasonal turn. Building units costs strategic movement ( EaW 6.0) in addition to BPV.


If a MON is built, it ’ s assigned to the player ’ s FRD location at all times.

Whenever the FRD moves, the MON ship will move with it.

The Combat Bpv of the MON is included in the Fleet ’ s total Combat Bpv when ( EaW 28a) is invoked.

If the FRD is destroyed but the MON survives the battle, it can be assigned to a Fleet until a new FRD is built.

Also ( EaW 17.0) applies and the new MON fleet will take 2 Movement Points to move the MON Fleet one planetary system. The MON fleet may not take advantage of the “ Free Movement “ from a Colony.

(EaW 17ee) X-SHIPS:

A player is allowed 1000 Economic Bpv of X-Ships in their entire Navy at any time.

Captured X-Ships are not included in the above restrictions. Rule (EaW 17f) does apply.


The first 2 similar identical war ship hull type built incurs no penalty.

Penalty applies to each Size Class and based on the EBpv of the ship.

SC 2 ships from 225 EBpv and up; SC 3 ships from 160 EBpv and up; SC 4 ships from 100 EBpv and up.

No penalties paid for the first 2 similar ship built, the 3rd , 4th, 5th etc similar ship built pays a penalty of + 30% EBpv.

> However, for this rule, a DN built and a DN+ are 2 different types of ship hull builds.

> Also a DNL, DN, DNH are 3 different types of ship hull builds.

> Similarly, a CA, a CA+, and a CA++ are 3 different types of ship hull builds.

> Likewise, a FF, a FFE, and a FFG are 3 different types of ship hull builds.

NOTE > If a player with 5 BCs (worth 170 Bpv each and paid the 30% penalty for 3 of the BC ’ s) loses 4 of them leaving 1 BC, the next BC built will not incur this penalty.

>>> This rule does not apply to Civilian ships or Auxiliaries.


Fleets may become Non Compliant after battles due to losses, escapes etc.

A Non Compliant Fleet is a Fleet that violates (EaW 17.0) or any part of S8.0.


  1. A DN lead fleet loses 3 ships leaving only a CA and the DN in its Fleet.

  2. A Carrier loses one or more of its escorts or an Escort(s) has lost their carrier.

  3. A CA and 5 frigates in a Fleet loses the CA leaving 5 frigates, The CR of a frigate is 3

  4. A fleet is above the max CBpv allowed.

In the case of (a, b, c ) above, the Fleet becomes Non Compliant and the following restriction will apply.

>> The violating Fleet can only move towards a FRD location via shortest route possible. If all FRDs are destroyed, the violating fleet will be unable to move. Once the Fleet has been brought into compliance, this restriction is removed.

In the case of (c and d) above, should the fleet get attacked; any ships over the CR limit of the Leader ship abilities (or max CBpv limit ) will be under Disruptive Fire Control (SFB rule D6.68). They will be at the starting location normally and

the restricted ships are unable to fire, launch, lab, tractor, transport etc. but can use D6.682 for self defense.

The Admiral could of course fly the restricted ships for 2.5 turns ( EaW 21a) before disengaging the ships. The enemy Admiral may have something to say about that !



A life planet is a planet that can support a colony, a fortification, or both a colony and a fortification. A life planet cannot be devastated. GSA ground bases in conjunction with CPL ’ s ( Commercial Platform ) can be installed at Colony Planet locations to produce extra Bpv income while DEFSATS provide extra defenses. Colonies and fortifications developed on a Colony planet are governed by ( EaW 13.0) and ( EaW 11.0).


A mineral planet is a planet that can support a mine, a fortification, or both a mine and a fortification. A mineral planet cannot be devastated. GMS ground bases in conjunction with CPL ’ s (Commercial Platform) can be installed at Mineral Planet locations to produce extra Bpv income while DEFSATS provide extra defenses. Mines and fortifications developed on a mineral planet are governed by ( EaW 12.0) and ( EaW 11.0).


A dead planet is a planet that can support a fortification. GSO ground bases in conjunction with CPL ’ s (Commercial Platform) can be installed at Dead Planet locations to produce extra Bpv income while DEFSATS provide extra defenses. A dead planet cannot be devastated. Fortifications developed on a dead planet are governed by ( EaW 11.0).

(EaW 19.0) COMBAT

Combat occurs whenever a first fleet owned by a first player jumps into a planetary sector containing at least a second fleet owned by a second player. Combat is mandatory and follows all commander ’ s level rules in the Master Rulebook of Star Fleet Battles. Some Optional rules are used. All combats will be between exactly two fleets. Simultaneous multi-fleet engagements are not allowed (see EaW 26.0 and EaW 26a)


Any time a fleet jumps into a planetary sector in which another player ’ s fleet is already present, the moving fleet instantly stops movement and cannot conduct further movement that seasonal turn. In effect, the moving fleet is pinned. The relative sizes and compositions of the enemy fleets is irrelevant; a fleet containing a single small freighter can pin a fleet comprising a dreadnaught and five cruisers.

Any further planned moves (such as develop, fortify, transfer, install ground bases etc ) is immediately lost for the moving fleet.


In all cases, the map is 60x60 hexes.

The map edges are surrounded by an extremely powerful energy barrier that nothing can cross. If a unit moves into the Energy Barrier, it is instantly destroyed and subject to any BES. Exception, see ( EaW 19 c)


A unit cannot be forced to strike the energy barrier via a tractor beam. If a unit attempts to force another unit into the energy barrier while the two units are connected by a tractor beam, then the tractor beam is instantly broken before the movement is performed.


The exact map used during combat depends on the map as determined during exploration in ( EaW 16e).

At least one planet will be present unless EaW 5c applies.


Except as otherwise provided by ( EaW 20a), ( EaW 20b) and ( EaW 20c), entering player ’ s fleets start at preset locations so that the Fleets will start the battle at a Range of 30 Hexes..

The location on the map is determined by determining the direction from which the fleet entered the planetary sector during its previous movement. The direction is relative to heading A on the Galactic map.

Unless otherwise provided, all ships begin at speed max of slowest ship, start at WS 3 and all ships facing is determined below.

Preset locations are,

Fleet enters from A start at 3015D, Fleet enters from B start at 4523E, Fleet enters from C start at 4538F,

Fleet enters from D start at 3045A, Fleet enters from E start at 1538B, Fleet enters from F start at 1523C.

All ships in the fleet must have same facing which is determined above.

If the start position above is not 30 hexes Range, then the following Alternate Positions may have to be used to ensure a 30 hex range start.

A = 3001D B = 6015E C = 6045F D = 3060A E= 0145B F = 0116C

Example, if Admiral A fleet enters from A(3015D) and Admiral B Fleet enters from B(4523E), then the Preset Location does not result in 30 hex range, only 15. In this case, the Alternate Position of A(3001D) and B(6015E) will be used.

In Multi Fleet battles, the Alternate Positions will be used for all subsequent battles after the 1st battle is completed.


If multiple fleets enter the same planetary sector from the same direction in same seasonal turn, then use the following procedure for setup pending result of ( EaW 26.0 and EaW 26a):

a- The first Fleet that moved into the planetary sector can choose to move the fleet 1 direction to the left or right.

b- The second player ’ s fleet then must move to the direction not chosen by the first player.

c- If a Fleet has a ship with a Legendary Navigator, this Fleet will decide first on the direction of the left or right

d- Facing is determined as per ( EaW 20.0) for both fleets


Player A moved a Fleet into a planetary sector from A direction.

Player B moved a Fleet into the same sector on same seasonal turn after Player A and from direction A also.

Player A decides to move their Fleet to start from the F location (1115C) therefore forcing player B to start their fleet from B location (7414E).

Battle then proceeds normally.


If a non-moving player ’ s fleet has been present at a planetary sector for more than one complete seasonal turn, the non-moving player ’ s fleet starts at 3030. The non-moving player ’ s fleet facing is optional and has a speed-on-last-turn of 10. The moving player ’ s fleet enters according to ( EaW 20.0).

The non moving Fleet starts at WS 3.


In the event of multiple fleet engagements ( EaW 26.0), a surviving fleet will be present. In this case, this subsection ( EaW 20c) takes precedence over any other provision of ( EaW 20.0). The surviving fleet ships completes its movement for the current turn after the last ship unit (Size Class 2, 3, 4 ship ) in the enemy fleet is destroyed, captured, or disengaged. However, the surviving fleet may conduct one turn of movement (see EaW 26c) BEFORE the newly entering enemy fleet arrives. The surviving fleet ships ’ initial positions, starting speeds, and facings are determined by their movements and speeds during this “ turn of rest. ” In this case, ( EaW 20b) does not apply – the surviving fleet may start in terrain, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.

The newly arriving fleet is setup according to the provisions of ( EaW 20.0).

This could lead to a starting position of less then 30 hexes to the surviving fleet.

>> ANY surviving ship (defined as SC 2, 3, 4, 5 ships) which is located within 10 hexes of a preset hex location ( EaW 20.0 and EaW 20b) at end of turn of rest ( EaW 26e) where the next enemy fleet arrives will explode immediately after EA is done. Apply any Explosion strength if applicable.

NO ship may disengage during this “ turn of rest ” , ( EaW 26e).


Unless otherwise stated, all fleets begin at weapon status III. In the case of more than two fleets combating in a planetary sector, a surviving fleet gains one turn of “ rest ” to rearm weapons before a new fleet enters. Thus, the surviving fleet does not have a weapon status, per se, but rather has weapons available according to each ship ’ s ability to reload and rearm during the turn of “ rest. ”


Ships can disengage in authorized Disengagement hexes only. The PoD ( Point of Disengagement ) hexes are listed as follows, A = 2901, 3001, 3101; B = 6014, 6015, 6016; C = 6044, 6045, 6046;

D = 2960, 3060, 3160; E = 0144, 0145, 0146; F = 0115, 0116, 0117.

Ships can only disengage back to the system they came from or in another direction if there is a Warp Lane allowing it.

To disengage, the ship simply gets to a PoD hex on the qualifying turn and when next scheduled to move, the ship's Captain announces disengagement and the ship leaves the battle.

The ship must be facing in the intended direction of disengagement.

Example, a CA is in 2901B and plans to disengage in direction A ( 2901, 3001, 3101 are all legal A disengagement hexes ) but will not be able to because of the wrong facing. It cannot announce a turn to A to disengage, the ship MUST be facing A already to disengage !!

A ship cannot disengage if tractored by or tractoring an enemy ship. ( Captured ships are not considered Enemy ships )

A tractored ship can disengage if tractored by a friendly ship. Both ships must be in a legal PoD hex to disengage


No ship can disengage from a battle until 2.5 turns have been fought.

Therefore, at start of a battle, the earliest a ship can disengage is turn 3 imp 16.

If a 2ndFleet enters the battle, it too cannot disengage until 2.5 turns has been fought so if the 2nd Fleet enters on T7, it cannot disengage until T9.16.

Once a ship has disengaged in a particular direction, the rest of the Fleet can only disengage in the same direction to keep the Fleet intact unless surviving ships stay behind to hold the System!

This will result in a new fleet being formed for no Move Cost.

If the ships staying behind has to fight a 2ndbattle, the PoD for the Fleet is restricted to the PoD of the ship(s) that disengaged from the 1stbattle !!

The enemy can choose to disengage in the same direction as the retreating ships in which case EaW 20a will apply in next seasonal turn.

Ships that disengage back to the system they came from results in no penalties, if a ship ( fleet ) disengages in a direction other then where they came from, this will cost 1 Move Point for that Empire on next seasonal turn which is applied as the 1st Move Point in the Empire ’ s orders.

If a ship has Enemy Boarding Parties on board, then boarding party combat must be resolved to determine the ship ’ s owner. If the enemy is successful in capturing the ship, the ship still disengages but most likely will be in big trouble when it arrives at the new system !!

No extra BP ’ s can be added to the ship from either side while the ship is “ disengaging ” .

NOTE > If a system already has the 3 fleet max in it, no friendly ship (fleet) from an adjacent system where a battle is occurring will be allowed to disengage to the maxed out system.


Notwithstanding the provisions of ( EaW 21a), the presence of a fortification at the planetary sector in which combat takes place will prevent an Enemy fleet from disengaging unless ( EaW 10d or EaW 10g) is applied.

A fleet with a Legendary Captain is also subject to this rule ( EaW 21b).

However, a fleet belonging to the owner of the fortification may still disengage.


Ships have a limited ability to repair themselves during combat and immediately after combat.

All ships may use (D9.2) shield repairs; (D9.4) continuous damage repair; (D14.0) emergency damage repair; and (G17.0) repair systems to repair damage during combat.


Notwithstanding any SFB rule to the contrary, repairs conducted during combat or immediately after combat are considered permanent. Hasty repairs may be undone to repair a system, though doing so will use some extra of a ships self-repair capacity under ( EaW 22b).

All shield boxes after combat is considered repaired prior to start of next battle.


A ship may self-repair a maximum number of systems equal to three times its highest undestroyed damage control rating plus unused CDR. This self-repair capacity is restored whenever the ship re-supplies under ( EaW 3b) or ( EaW 6d).




Arepairunderthissubsection(EaW22d)islimitedtothreesystemsperundestroyedrepairboxoftherepairingship. Therepairshipscapacityforrepairingothershipsislimitedbythisrule(EaW22d),andnotbythenumberofrepairpointstherepairshipcarriesunder(SFBruleG17.26).






Thethreesystemsperundestroyedrepairboxlimit(EaW22d),appliestoallrepairstherepairshipmakesuntiltherepairshipisre-supplied. Thethreesystemsperundestroyedrepairbox limitisreplenishedwhenashipre-suppliesunder(EaW3b)or(EaW6d).


In multiple serial fleet engagements, ships belonging to the surviving fleet may conduct any legal repairs during the “ turn of rest. ”


During the post-combat resolution phase of any turn, the surviving fleet may conduct repairs to the limits of each ship ’ s abilities. In addition, all damage to all shuttles is considered repaired. PFs are repaired using their own damage control systems. Repair under this subsection ( EaW 23a) cost no movement. However, if a ship disengages, then the surviving ships of the disengaged fleet may not perform self-repair under this subsection ( EaW 23a).


If a player wishes to repair one or more ships under ( EaW 22b) outside the scope of combat or at a time other than immediately after combat, then the player may do so. Repairing ships under this subsection ( EaW 24.0) costs one strategic movement. The actual repairs take place during the post-combat resolution phase of the moving player ’ s turn. Repairs conducted under this subsection ( EaW 24.0) may be conducted by all ships in the fleet invoking ( EaW 22b).


Units, including ships, may be captured during combat using the advanced boarding party rules.


A captured unit is subject to (D7.5) and the restrictions of (D7.55) during any combat that takes place in the same combat resolution phase of a player ’ s seasonal turn. Players ignore any fleet restrictions imposed by ( EaW 17.0) or by (S8.0) during any combat that takes place in the same combat resolution phase of a player ’ s seasonal turn.

Captured ships can repair systems equal to current DAMCON *2.


Any damage to a captured unit remains until inspected at a FRD location ( EaW 9b) or FSR location ( EaW 9c) less repairs from ( EaW 25a).

No repairs can be conducted until inspected other then ( EaW 25a).

Once inspected, the Combat Bpv is included in the assigned Fleet limits.

The combat Bpv of an Un-inspected captured ship is outside the limits of ( EaW 17.0).

The captured ship must travel with a fleet. It is unable to travel alone until after inspection, see ( EaW 9b).

(EaW 25c) SALVAGE:

No salvage is possible of any captured ships/units. The capturing player will have to spend some Bpv ’ s to supply the newly acquired ship with Expendables at time of Inspection.


Not withstanding the restrictions of (D5.51), any unit may self destruct if the unit in question satisfies either of the following conditions:

  1. The ship is the only remaining un-crippled ship belonging to a player or enemy boarding parties that are currently present on the ship;

  2. All ships belonging to a player have been crippled.


It is possible for 2 players (or 1 player) to send multiple Fleets into the same planetary sector. Since only 2 fleets can fight at one time, the player(s) will get to choose which fleet fights first (regardless of when the Fleets entered the planetary sector), then fights second etc, the other fleets will wait to see the outcome of the battle before entering the battle. See rest of (EaW 26) and (EaW 28.0)


If this should happen, regardless of when the Fleets entered the planetary sector, the 2 largest Fleets will fight first, then the next largest and so on down to the smallest fleet fighting last. Size of Fleet is based on the Fleet ’ s Combat Bpv.

If the CBpv of 2 or more fleets are tied, roll 2xD6 and high roller will be the largest fleet. See rest of (EaW 26) and (EaW 28.0).


The surviving fleet of the first engagement must remain on the map and engage the next fleet of the opposing player. Thus, a player will fight with the first fleet he uses until that all ships (defined as Size Class 2, 3, 4 only) in that fleet are captured, destroyed, or disengaged.


After each fleet engagement is completed, the surviving fleet is entitled to one “ turn of rest. ” During this turn of rest, the surviving fleet may take any legal action allowed by the rules of Star Fleet Battles, including movement, weapons loading, and repairs. See ( EaW 20c) re surviving fleet final position.

Any enemy seekers and shuttles, fighters, PF ’ s etc must still be dealt with according to the rules of Star Fleet Battles.

>> No ships may disengage during the turn of rest. Disengagement is only possible during combat.


A combat is considered completed when all ships belonging to one player have disengaged, have been captured, or have been destroyed. Shuttles, seekers, fighters, PF ’ s, INTs etc are not considered ships for this rule. If, on any given turn, a player ONLY has expendables on the map, such as self-seeking weapons or mines, then these expendables remain on the map if another serial battle is to take place. Resolve these expendables during the “ turn of rest ” under this subsection ( EaW 26d). If no additional serial battles will take place, then combat ends once all PF ’ s, fighters and Ints have been taken care of. In this case, remove all expendables and proceed to the next point in the strategic sequence of play.


After the “ turn of rest, ” the next fleet under ( EaW 26.0) or ( EaW 26a) enters the map according to the provisions of section ( EaW 20.0) and ( EaW 20c). The surviving fleet still has whatever un-repaired damage that was previously inflicted on it and has unused expendables. Combat is resolved until all ships belonging to one player are captured, destroyed, or disengaged. If any remaining enemy fleets are present in the planetary sector, then continue to resolve battles according to ( EaW 26.0) and ( EaW 26a) until all ships in all fleets belonging to one player are captured, destroyed, or disengaged.

Note that the last surviving fleet may conduct repairs under ( EaW 23a).


Any explosive mines laid during the course of a battle remain when additional fleets enter the battle. A surviving fleet may lay mines during the “ turn of rest ” using tactical SFB rules. Explosive mines laid during a battle remain until all fleet battles are resolved.

HOWEVER; Any Explosive mines within 5 hexes of an entry point where the next Fleet enters is automatically swept and removed from play.


Shuttles, PFs etc remaining after a battle may be collected by the ships of the surviving fleet if those ships have the facilities to house those shuttles, PFs etc. However, this determination is not made until all serial battles have been resolved. Thus, surviving shuttles, PFs etc remaining after a battle may move during the “ turn of rest, ” just like the other surviving ships, before the next enemy fleet arrives, and may engage in combat during and after the turn of rest.


All units may temporarily transfer expendables to other units during a battle except Outstanding Crews or POOR crews; however, all unused expendables return to their assigned ships during the post-combat resolution phase of the current seasonal turn. Similarly, transferred expendables that are used are still associated with the units that originally owned the transferred expendables for purposes of later re-supply. Thus, any transfer of expendables during combat is a temporary transfer.

Legendary Officers cannot transfer to a ship with a greater CBpv then the ship or Size Class they are posted on, if they do, their special abilities will not function on the bigger ship. Transferring to a lower or equal CBpv ship would take 3 turns before their abilities can be utilized, turn 1 to transport to the new ship; turn 2 to hit the decks a running and get to their location of expertise; turn 3 they can use their abilities.

If the LO ’ s original ship is destroyed, this transfer will be considered permanent and before the LO can use their ability for the next battle, the Bpv cost must be paid for again. If the cost is not paid for, the LO is retired.


A defending player gains certain advantages when defending their FRD. The following provisions apply AFTER the enemy has conducted all movement. Thus, the defending player will know how many fleets are attacking the FRD and will know what ships are in those fleets before taking advantage of this section.

>> The defending player can fight with the FRD Fleet at any time regardless of the FRD Fleet ’ s CBpv.

This rule overrides rule ( EaW 26.a).


If the defending player has more than one fleet at a FRD location, then the player may temporarily “ pool ” his ships into several fleets according to the following procedure:

  1. Any Fleets with its CBpv within 10% of the current max allowed is unaffected by this procedure and cannot be altered.

  2. Add ships from any partial fleet(s) present to form 1 or more fleets, subject to the restrictions of ( EaW 17.0) but ( EaW 7.0) is ignored for ( EaW 28a).

  3. Assign the FRD to a Fleet. The Combat Bpv of the FRD is not included in the total Fleet Combat Bpv thus potentially violating the Combat Bpv limit temporarily. If a MON is assigned to the FRD, the MON ’ s combat Bpv is included in the fleet total Combat Bpv.

  4. Use ( EaW 26.0 or EaW 26a) for Fleet selection to fight first, second etc.

Note that the defending player cannot use this procedure unless those ships are already present at the FRD location when the opposing player attacks.

Note that when the fleet which has been assigned to the FRD is scheduled to fight, the FRD is present in the battle.


The fleet generated for FRD defense is temporary. Each surviving ship assigned to the temporary fleet must go back to its original fleet assignment, assuming that the FRD defense is successful, even if doing so results in a smorgasbord of haphazard fleets. The player will have to use subsequent movements to reorganize the fleets in this case.


If a player disappears or drops out of the campaign, then a replacement may be found to take over the former player ’ s holdings.

The new player receives no bonuses for entering a campaign “ midstream, ” and is subject to all rules of the campaign.

If a new player cannot be found, then the former player ’ s FRD, fleets, colonies, mines, fortifications, and any other assets may be permanently removed so that campaign play may continue.

These locations will then have to be “ re-discovered ” by remaining players.


Every attempt is made to ensure no loopholes exist and that all “ tee ’ s are crossed and eye ’ s dotted “ , however something might be missed or a rule may not be explained clearly enough.

If such an event does happen, the GM reserves the right to adjust the rule ( or include a new rule ) based on the desired flow of the campaign.

All decisions by the GM will be final.

(EaW 31.0) WEBS

Only the Tholian Admiral can set up a web as per SFB rule G10.83 paying the appropriate costs.

The WS of the pre laid web is selected by the Tholian Admiral.

This will cost 1 Movement Point to set up the web. If the web is to be maintained on the next seasonal turn, the appropriate cost must be paid but there is no Movement Point cost to set up since the web is already set up as long as there is a fleet with a web capable ship present to keep power supplied to the web.

Any webs set up this way will be revealed with Vision Radii. See EaW 5e.

If the web has multi layers, it will cost 1 Movement Point to set up all layers IF the set up is done in the same seasonal turn.

If not set up in same seasonal turn, it will cost 1 movement point for additional layers on subsequent seasonal turns.

Any webs set up this way will be revealed with Vision Radii. See EaW 5e.

This cost does not apply to temporary webs laid during a scenario.

While a potent defensive tool, web is not without cost.

EaW 32.0 Sequence of Play [ SOP ]

There may be some complicated situations which may arise and this SOP will outline the order of precedence of executing moves.

1- Fleets that disengage from a battle in a direction other then the one they arrived in the battle will have their moves executed 1st ahead of any planned free moves or moves costing a move point.

If the Fleet was already in the system when attacked, this qualifies as having their move executed 1st should the fleet disengage in any legal direction.

2- FRD s that used their free move to build ships will have these ships placed into their respective Fleet #.

3- Colonies using their free move Bonus will move Fleets 1st ahead of any moves costing a move point.

EaW 33.0 Helpful Things to Know

1- Fleets that have been ordered to develop Colonies or Mineral planets cannot move till following Seasonal turn.

2- To discover an unknown system, a Fleet must stay in the system till end of current Seasonal turn to discover what the system contains. Passing through an unknown [or known ] system will not reveal what the system contains.

No fleet can pass through a system that contains a Fleet of another Empire. Combat will occur.

No system can be developed or fortified on the turn of discovery.

3- FRD s can only build once per seasonal turn.

4- When a system is attacked by an enemy and there are no defending ships or ground units present, the Report shall indicate the Admiral has lost contact with this system, not who attacked it.

5- Fleets that have been forced to disengage from a battle do not qualify for a report. Example, a fleet with a Scout disengaged from a losing battle to an unknown system, EaW 32.0 # 1 will apply but the fleet will not get a RADII report because it is on the move. It will get a RADII report at end of next seasonal turn.


Most Paravian ships YIS is Y168. As such, the Paravian Admiral can build these ships ( not ships YIS of Y169 or later ) even if the start year of the Campaign is Y168 or earlier.

See CL # 28 for Paravian QWT rules.

FUTURE Reference !!


(with CPL and 10 x GSA) yield 6 Bpv /GSA

(with CPL and 2 x GMS) yield 10 Bpv/GMS

(with CPL and 12 x GSO) yield 6.5 Bpv/GSO